The benefits of a day of silence

So, one of the things I think is vitally important is to clear the mind from time to time. I practice a day of silence from time to time. I do it as often as I can. And if I can’t do it all day, I try to do it for at least an hour or so.

What do I do? I don’t talk all day. If I absolutely have to talk, then I do, but otherwise I do my best to not say a word. And for quick pick me ups, I just do it for an hour or two.

Why do I do it? It clears my mind for one. Our minds are so cluttered. If you are like me, sometimes my mind is going in 3-4 directions at a time. When you turn your mouth off, your mind settles down. Well, it is supposed to. It may take a time or two to get your mind to settle down. What you want to do is to let the thought enter, but not stay. Have it just enter then leave. A peaceful mind will brings peace into your life.

Another benefit of this is learning to live in the moment. When I stop talking, I am in the moment. I am not thinking about all the things I have to do. A lot of my focus in on keeping my mouth shut. It is actually very challenging. If I am doing some activity, then my mind is also doing this one thing. For those of you who like multi-tasking, I urge you to stop that. It really is not a positive thing. It really is better to do one thing at a time. It keeps the brain relaxed.

Another benefit is that I find it strengthens the mind. You build up brain power. You observe more. I find that I look at the world a bit differently. You shut your mouth and open your mind, and eyes a bit more. You are actually seeing and not just looking. You understand the difference, right?

And for me, I just feel a lot more peace and joy. My guess is because not talking is sort of like my little secret: I’m not talking. Of course if you are doing this around other people, you need to tell them in advance so that they know that you are having a day of silence and not giving them the silent treatment.

So, I challenge you to try a day of silence from time to time. You may want to start with a silent hour or two and build up the time you practice silence. It may be more challenging than you think. I suggest trying to do it at least once a week.


Coach Lisa