The Schumann Resonance

What the heck is that?

As you may know, the Earth has electromagnetic frequencies. The Schumann Resonance, in a nutshell has to do with these global frequencies.

On Earth, the normal frequency is 7.83 hertz. This low frequency has spikes from time to time. These spikes are the Schumann Resonance.

So, that is not very scientific. It is a very basic explanation. I am not a scientist, and I am not here to discuss science. I am here to discuss how these spikes affect you.

We are normally in tune with the normal frequencies. But when these frequencies spike, it shakes us up. We get thrown off our game. We feel out of sync with the world.

We may have some unwelcome issues with our emotional, mental and spiritual self. We may have physical issues we chalk up to being “psychosomatic”.

But at the same time, bursts of higher frequencies can shockingly be helpful. These bursts can be cleansing. Our body energy can get blocked. These bursts can be cleansing by clearing energy blocks.

These spikes can raise our consciousness. We open up so to speak. We rise to a higher, love based frequency.

We can take advantage of these spikes. We can release mental and emotional blocks and get unstuck. During these spikes, we can release the action of apathy, “I don’t want to”, and replace it with a charged up, energizing alternative.

How? When we open our minds and hearts, which we do when the frequencies are raised, we frankly have the energy and motivation to make a change.

If you would like to see the Schumann Resonance levels, you can do it here: Remember the normal level is 7.83 hertz.

So, the next time you don’t quite feel right, and you don’t know why, it may just be the Earth’s magnetic frequencies acting up.


Coach Lisa