Depression and the cozy bed

Doing depression is like being in a cozy bed on a chilly morning. You don’t want to get up because you are warm and feel safe in bed. You watch the clock and time is passing, and you start to feel you are wasting time. This is why most people hesitate to stop Doing depression. We feel comfortable with it. You may not believe that, but it’s true. And the real, outside world seems so cold.

So, I do understand the pleasure of a cozy bed. I do understand the comfort of doing depression. Just as much as it is a comfort to stay in bed on a chilly morning we can want to stay in the comfort zone of depression. It is a familiar.

And as we watch the hands of the clock move we watch life passing us if we are doing depression. We may feel guilty not getting out of bed because we are wasting the day. We may feel guilty of not living and enjoying life.

We sometimes put these things together. We want to escape life and go to sleep. I get that also.

The world can be a cold place. But it can also be a warm place. I live where there are a lot of car crashes. What do I see? I see people coming out of their houses and offer assistance. “Are you OK?” is a common question. People may bring bottles of water. Sometimes they will even pull people out of cars before a fire starts.

So, as hard as it may be to get out of bed on a chilly morning, you must force yourself to do that. In the same way, you must force yourself to get out of your comfort zone and face the world that can be cold. Because if you don’t, you will be missing out.

Yes, you can.

I ask you what will you miss out on if you don’t change? How will that feel? What will you gain When you do change? How will that feel? I urge you to push back the covers and face the coolness of the world, and make the first step toward finding comfort in an empowering alternative.

Yes, you can.

Coach Lisa.