12 easy tips, tip 12

Hey, well this is the end of the 12 easy tips for an improved life. I hope you have found them to be of some help. So, here is the last one, and to me possibly the most important one.

Tip 12

Pet a cat, smell a rose, sit in the sun

The point here is to appreciate life when we can. We can all feel overwhelmed by life. Sometimes it can seem as if nothing is going right. Life can be a downright disaster at times.

Sometimes we get very busy with life. We may feel we are chasing our tail. This needs to be done. That needs to be done. You are like the Energizer bunny going and going.

When life is like this, the key is to stop. Yes you can. You can take time out to rest. When life is this busy, this is when you need the rest the most. It isn’t a waste of time. It is necessary to recharge.

Do any of the above or what it is that relaxes you. A little tip about cats is that their energy goes in the opposite direction than our energy. So, petting a cat will unwind you so to speak. Use your left hand when petting a cat because we receive energy in our left hand and it leave through the right. But it you don’t have a cat, a dog will work nicely.

The point is to do something in a stressful moment that helps you to take a breath. That you appreciate the small joys in life. It is to emphasize the need to see the good.

One of my favorite examples of this is say you have a small child who has left finger prints all over your sliding glass door or some windows. Now you have to clean the glass. You may be frustrated with the need to have to do this. But just remember that the child was able to do that. That child has 10 fingers to leave marks on the glass. A sick child may not be able to do that.

So, remember is life is a disaster or busy to your breaking point, do something to take a step back, take a breather.

OK there you have it.

Take care,Lisa
