12 easy tips, tip 11

Hello, well, we are almost there on this series of 12 easy tips for improvement. I hope you have tried them. They are designed to be easy with a big impact if done mindfully.

Tip 11

Don’t interrupt a child doing something new. You can try something new too.

I have made a lot of observations of parents who have very specific ideas of the sort of activities that would be of the greatest benefit for their children to do. It seems it is either sports or something artistic such as music or dance. But rarely do parents seem to encourage both.

Some parents have boys do sports and girls do dance and modeling. These parents are very gender oriented. Boys and men do this and girls and women do this. Parents seem to either encourage adventurous, outdoor activities that come with the risk of physical injury while other parents are afraid to have their children do much of any outdoor activity for that reason.

I don’t think children should be limited to a certain type of activity. Childhood is all about learning and discovery. We like what we like. If parents try to control every thing their child does, they block this process of learning and discovery. They very well may be shutting off half the opportunities for fulfillment. I don’t think children should be forced to do any activity, but at the same time they should be introduced to different things to explore.

There is nothing wrong with your athlete to learn more about dance or art. Some of the best male skaters I knew in my skating days were also into ballet. And no, they were not gay. On the flip side, there is nothing wrong with your ballerina learning about karate.

Childhood is the best time to try new things. Learning new things and acquiring new skills is easiest when we are children. So, if your child is interested in something new, don’t interrupt. More than that encourage them. It is a lesson on taking on a challenge. It builds confidence.

Doing different things develops a person. It makes them well rounded and interesting. It broadens their horizons. It will open their minds to different types of people. It will build up an appreciation for different people. Isn’t that what we all want?

Doing different things develops a person. It makes them well rounded and interesting. It broadens their horizons. It will open their minds to different types of people. It will build up an appreciation for different people. Isn’t that what we all want?

No children? No problem. This advice also applies to you. When was the last time you left your comfort zone and tried something new? And remember not to get discouraged right away. New things can be hard, but with practice, they get easier.

OK that is all for today.

Cheers. Lisa
