12 easy tips, tip 10

Introduction: Hello I am back. I have presented 9 tips so far that are easy to do, and if done right, can make a big impact, improvement in your life. I hope you have given them a try.

Tip 10

The person to whom you listen, knows more than you.

I react the most to statements from people who know more than I do on that particular subject. Most everyone is an “expert” on at least one subject. This is a subject they have dedicated their life learning. This is a subject they have practiced for many years. They have life experience with this subject. They have been through it.

For example, I have studied dog behavior since 1987. I love it. I consider myself to be an expert on dogs. If you have a question about dogs, I can probably answer it. If you were to ask me, I would expect you to really listen. Why? Because you would not ask if you did not think I knew more than you.

But, if you did not know that about me, you may not listen to what I have to say because I don’t know that I know more. Right?

I, like most people, have a mentor. When she says something, I listen. Sometimes it really aggravates me. Why? Well, she may say something that I find really “wrong”. My initial reaction is to think, “you don’t understand. You don’t get me. You don’t know how I have struggled. You are asking too much.” I get frustrated.

But then I think about it. She really does get me more than I realize. She also has a lot of faith in me to learn from her. When I give the thought to sit with me awhile, the how becomes clear.

The point is I listened to her because I know she knows more than I. If I did not believe she knew more than I, I would not listen, pay attention. I would ignore her words. It would not give it another thought. So, what we need to do is to seek advice, guidance from someone who knows more than we do. We need to seek out someone who understands. And when we find that person, listen, pay attention.

And some day, you may be the expert for that person. I was for my mentor. I counseled her. She listened and it helped her. What a great feeling that was.



