12 easy tips, tip 7

INTRODUCTION: I have a series of 12 tips for an improved life. These are simple yet make a big impact.

Tip 7:

Find the Meaning in the thing rather than getting through.

The world today is very busy and fast paced. Frankly, I think people rush too much. Most people try to cram too much into the day. When we do this, we lose meaning in what we do.

We are so busy doing what we do, that we hardly know what we are doing. We have not finished one thing and we have, at least in our minds, already moved on to the next item on the list.

To help speed things up, many have become very good at multitasking. Let’s try to do more than one thing at a time while we think of the next thing on the list. Although many people brag about their multitasking skills, more often than not, it really is not a good thing to do. While multitasking, one is normally not doing either activity well. And they are so busy doing two things they really don’t care if it is done well, just get it done.

Slow down.

Yes, you can.

This is what is known as mindfulness. It has to do with being aware. It has to do with paying attention. It has to do with appreciating the moment. It has to do with excellence.

There is a serious lack of people wanting to be excellent anymore. People who love their jobs want to be excellent at their job, but otherwise as long as it gets done, that is all that matters. I am not suggesting that you aim to have everything perfect. But care about what you do. Take time to reflect.

People today say their life has no meaning. It does. You just don’t see it. Rushing through everything you miss it. Those dishes you have to clean well, they were what you used to put the food on the table. That dog mess you have to clean up. That is part of having that wonderful companion you have in your dog if you enjoy your dog’s company. Those clothes you need to launder. They give you style. They help to define you. You get the idea.

Mobile phones are another distraction. For Pete’s sake put them down from time to time. I feel sad being in a restaurant and see a family sitting together only to have their elbows touching because they are watching some video or messaging someone. Stop. Talk to each other. When I am around a good friend or family, I can’t talk enough. I used to be around my mom every day. We never ran out of things to discuss. We enjoyed each other’s company. I miss mom.

On the same note is video games. They are OK. But really, I have seen children cry over the thought of not being able to do that. Where is the meaning in them? They are a distraction from life.

In summary, do one thing at a time. Find the value or meaning in that thing that you are doing. Put down the mobile phones and stop gaming so much. And you will find life has more meaning.


