12 easy tips for change, tip 6

Introduction: I have been sharing 12 easy tips for improvement. These tips are designed to be simple, but make an impact.

Tip 6:

Have your life in order before being critical of others.

It is really interesting to me how we all have the ability to see what is wrong in another person’s life, but cannot see it in our own life. I am guilty of this as much as anyone.

What helps to break us of this is looking in the mirror. I told someone that, and her response was that she did not want to look in the mirror. I get that. It is hard to look at our selves sometimes, and be critical. But it can be very helpful. We are not reflecting on who we are in order to try to be perfect. We are not reflecting on who we are to be hard on our self. We are reflecting on how to be more free. We can reflect then let go of any bad habits we have.

I am just the opposite of a lot of people. I like to look in the mirror. That is, I like to look at my actions. I ask why a lot. I wonder what should I be getting out of this experience? Let me give a few examples.

I have had dogs all my life. They teach so much. My dogs tend to get very excited sometimes when people walk by the house. Now that they are getting older, they don’t run to the fence as they used to do. But there have been times when I say to them, “calm down, you are out of control”. Then I realize, there have been occasions, when someone could say that to me. My initial reaction at times can be to be “out of control” and I need to settle down. I did not see that in me until I reflected on that.

How about another dog example? I have trained my dogs. They know how to properly walk on a leash. But in the beginning, they would pull. They were always in a rush. Lets go! My response to them was “take it easy we’ll get there.” And what was I doing? Rushing. I was always rushing. I was in a hurry to accomplish one thing or another. What did I learn? Slow down. You will get there.

Here is one more example. My cousin had a very messy home. Stuff was piled up everywhere. Food on the counter. Dishes everywhere. She had a newborn. It was no place for a baby. When her neighbor was about to bring home her newborn, what did my cousin do? She went over and cleaned house because that was no place for a baby. My cousin could not see the mess in her own place, but saw the mess next door.

The point is that what often bothers us about others bothers us about us. If you are really bothered about the actions of others, look in the mirror. Reflect on it. What are you seeing in others that you are not seeing in your self. What bothers you the most in others is something you need to change in you.

Remember that no one is perfect. We are all doing the best we can. But until we work out the kinks in our life, we can’t help others with their life.

No one can help others if they can’t take care of their own self. It is only through mastering something yourself can you assist others.

OK. Take care!


Coach Lisa
