12 easy tips for change, tip 4

Introduction: I am doing a series of easy tips for an improved life. They are designed to be simple actions that make a big impact.

Tip 4:

Who were you yesterday?

When we are working on self improvement, change may seem really slow. It may seem that we are not making any progress.

A big problem many people have is comparing their self, their progress against others. Most of us have a model. We have some person we admire and want to be like. We take steps to be more like that person. We start out very enthusiastically. But it often seems that that other person has really big shoes to fill. As time passes, we get disappointed.

That person makes it look so easy. And for us, it can be very difficult. It is not impossible, but harder than we thought. Sometimes it is so hard, we quit.

What to do?

Stop comparing your self to others for one. Understand that some things are naturally a lot easier for some than others. For example, some people are natural born sales experts. I know someone who can sell anything to anyone. Me, it is really hard. I could do the exact same thing as this person, but my results would pale in comparison. People you admire are probably naturally good at what ever it is you admire in them. It will take more work and effort for you to do what they do. If it were something you do naturally well, you would not be looking at them for inspiration.

Don’t get me wrong. It is great to have a mentor. It is great to try to improve your self in some aspect of life by following their example. Learning what that mentor did and following in their footsteps is a great way for improvement. But, remember that person is naturally good at that and has been doing it a long time. You can’t be as good when you are just starting out.

Look at your own progress for two. The question here is how have you improved since just yesterday? No really, how are you better today than yesterday?

Let me give an example. I got a new home 4 years ago. The yard was a blank canvas. I had all sorts of ideas of how to make it beautiful. I’m still working on it. I get discouraged sometimes. I thought I could have it perfect in 18 months. But, it takes time. I have to think how much I have actually accomplished in 4 years. I look at the project I did a couple of months ago. When I look around the yard, there is a lot of change and improvement.

The point is to look at you and your accomplishments. You may not reach your goal in the time you expected or wanted. But as long as you make progress, you are improving. Give yourself a pat on the back.

Change can be quick. Sometimes things can happen really fast. But it can be slow too. Don’t be discouraged. Follow this tip, and you will realize you are making changes.

Here for you.


Coach Lisa
