12 easy tips for change tip two

Introduction: I want to do a series of easy tips for an improved life. They are designed to be simple changes that make a big impact.

Tip two:

Take care of you as you take care of others.

Are you responsible the well being of another? This could be a child or children. This could be a spouse. This could be a parent. It could be a pet. And how do you take care of this other living being?

I have two dogs. I take care of their very need. I feed them. I take care of medical issues. I brush them. I clean their teeth. I clip their nails. I hug and kiss them. I caress their heads. I comfort them when they are scared. I tell not to worry that everything will be OK. I let them know I love them.

We all need that. We all need to be taken care of with love and tenderness. We all need to be reassured. Unfortunately, not every one has that. Not every one has that sort of support. If you are one, then you need to do it for you.

You deserve to be treated that way. You deserve to feel loved. You deserve to understand that you are valuable and that you matter. You need to be told everything will be OK. You deserve to be appreciated. You deserve to be patted on the back.

If no one is in your life to do that for you, you have to do it for yourself. Appreciate you. Embrace who you are. Embrace how you are. Treat yourself to nice things. You deserve it and you matter.

As always, I am here for you. OK.

Cheers, Life Coach Lisa
