Be a humane society

When a whole page of a newspaper is dedicated to dogs and cats needing homes, we are not a humane society. Allowing pets to breed without homes for them is wrong. Taking a pet into your home and changing your mind and getting rid of them is wrong. Not taking care of these pets or abusing them so that they are removed from a home is wrong.

There is no excuse in a civilized country to have a need for animal shelters. There should be a shortage of pets. There should be such a shortage that only the best people can have the privilege of having the loving companionship of a pet or two.

Not doing everything you need to do to keep your dog or cat safe is not OK. Having a dog run loose or a cat run loose and get hit and killed by a car is not OK. How hard is it to keep your pet safe? As long as our pets get out and are not safe, we are not a humane society. Look, I understand. Some dogs are escape artists. But you can take measures to keep them safe. If we were talking about 
children getting out and getting kidnapped, assaulted, or hit by a car and killed, you would say that it was negligence on the part of the parents. An animal’s life is not less valuable than a human life. Protect your pets as you would a child.

So, neuter your pets. Don’t breed them. Breeding pets is not a way to make a living. It is leading to a surplus of pets. It brings pain and suffering to those that don’t get a home or get a bad home. And keep your pets safe. Keep them from being harmed.

Let us be a civilized and humane society.

Coach Lisa