Demolition for rebirth

Every once in awhile we need to do a personal demolition. We need to shake things up. When the old habits are no longer working for us, we need new habits.

The world is in a constant state of change. If we don’t change, we get stale.

Everything must constantly be destroyed in order to be reborn. We must constantly let go of everything we hold on to, in order to flow with the motion of life.

This takes letting go of the control in our life and going with the flow of our life. This can be hard to do. We are comfortable with how things are. We know what to expect. It takes the courage to let go and let the power of the universe direct you.

It also takes trusting yourself. It can be terrifying at first to surrender to the higher power of the universe. But when you do, it is freeing. It makes you feel alive. You feel excited to be on a new path with new adventures. You are a trailblazer.

Liberate yourself from your self made limitations and demolish your old paths and shake things up.

Coach Lisa
