The Habit of Joy

Problems are a  part of life. What makes the difference in life is how we handle them. Everyone has a go to response. Some people keep calm and accept the situation for what it is and focus on the solution.

Some people get discouraged right away. All they can think about is having this new issue they need to resolve. They may be instantly discouraged. They may be instantly frustrated. They don’t feel like dealing with a problem. They want to live in peace and this is stealing that peace.

For some, this will bring on their go to response of depression. The questions come up. How bad will it be? How long will it last? What am I to do? Why do things like this happen?

If this sounds like you, this post is for you. Problems are inescapable. If you do not go into problem solving mode too readily, it is because you lack certainty of what is happening or you feel a loss of control. You are frustrated. You feel burdened.

What to do? Make joy a habit. Wait, give me a moment. Hear me out. When you feel discouraged, frustrated, overwhelmed or any similar emotion, remember that you have gone through problems before and you can get through this as well.

Take a moment and get perspective on this. What do you want? What needs to change? What is preventing you from making the necessary actions to make the change? When you answer these questions, the solution will reveal itself. No really, it will.

When you are on your way to resolving the problem at hand, stop and make joy a habit. Be joyful for the ability to make your situation better. You warrior you! You are victorious in life.

Everything is a habit. Make joy a habit. It takes practice. At first, it takes effort. But like anything, it will get easier and easier.


Coach Lisa
