Grinch’s Grief

A very popular story this time of year is “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”.

I feel for the Grinch. The Grinch is sad. He has the same needs as anyone else. He is an outcast. He is lonely. Life is hard for him. He struggles to get through life’s trials.

I understand the Grinch.

How the Grinch meets the four basic needs:

Significance: Having the ability to take away Christmas gives him a feeling of power. It provides a sense of importance.

Connection and Love: He lacks friends. He is alone. He does show love to his pets by letting them sleep in his bed, but he seemingly has no connection with other people. He wants others to feel what he feels. He thinks that by taking away Christmas they will understand and there will be bonding.

Variety: How will this end? What will happen? How long will the pleasure of ruining Christmas last?

Certainty: I am in control. This gives pleasure to avoid the pain of my own life.

I have at one time or another felt the same things as the Grinch. I have felt lonely. I have felt like an outcast. I have felt life is hard. I have struggled. I have been envious of the joy other people had. I have wanted other people to feel what I felt.

If you feel any of these things, you can turn it around. Don’t be a Grinch.


Coach Lisa