Finding Peace

Many people who see others being at peace with the world think that they are doing something wrong. Why are other people so happy and I suffer? Why do I feel sad and lonely? Where is my peace?

First let us look at why you feel not at peace with yourself and the world. It has nothing to do with self-discipline or willpower. It is not a matter of having a bad attitude. It  is all about something uncertain or out of control in your life.

If you lack peace in your life, you are feeling needy. You feel left out. You have gone down a path of hardship. Your abilities seem to be irrelevant and your weaknesses dominant.

So what is the path to peace? The first step is to understand what is uncertain in your life. What do you want? What is it you want to change? What is preventing your getting that?

The answers to the above probably are not what you think. What you want is certainty in something or control over something. What you want to change is having certainty and or control. What is preventing that is the fear and uncertainty of change.  Now, answer the questions again.

When you discover the answers, you will reveal the answers. When you change your focus from the problem to the answers, you see all sorts of opportunities for improvement in your life.

This will lead to the prospects of peace and joy. You will lose the pain and find the comfort you seek. You will begin to wake up in the morning with hope and anticipation for a happy life. You will find more pleasure.

If you need help, I will gladly take you by the hand and provide gentle guidance.


Coach Lisa