Big Brother House Guests and You

Hello house guests.

I always wanted to say that. Move over Julie Chen.

So, I love Big Brother. I am fascinated by the people. I am also fascinated by the reaction people have to what is going on inside. Let us examine a few house guests.

Rockstar. Do you get her? I do. I understand her so much it isn’t even funny. I understand why she cries so much. I understand her feelings toward Brett. I understand her frustrations with life. Why? I have been there.

Now a lot of people would be embarrassed to admit that. I’m not. Why? Why should I? We all have different coping skills. We have different means to handle life’s hard times. What matters is conquering these low methods of dealing with life and find empowering alternatives.

If you are like Rockstar, if you want to do better and be lifted up, I can help you. Why? I understand. Been there done that and got better.

Bayleigh. Can you relate to the outburst she had at Haleigh’s house meeting? I do. I understand that so much it isn’t even funny. Why? I have been there.

Now a lot of people would be embarrassed to admit that. I’m not. Why? Why should I? We all have different coping skills. We have different means to handle life’s hard times. What matters is conquering these low methods of dealing with life and find empowering alternatives.

If you are like Bayleigh, if you want to do better and be lifted up, I can help you. Why? I understand. Been there done that and got better.

See a pattern here?

Brett and Angela. Never been these two, but I have dealt with these two types before. They are people who will do anything to get what they want. They mostly don’t care who they hurt. They rarely if ever apologize.

They let you think you are friends. Did you hear Angela’s good bye message to Bayleigh? She said something like we connected on a personal level, and I hope we can be friends on the outside. Really? Angela wants to believe that because she wants to be that way.

People like Brett and Angela know what society values and try very hard to convince people they have those values. And , sometimes they actually exhibit those values, but I don’t think they are ever 100% genuine.

If you have ever been hurt by a Brett or Angela type or have that type of person in your life and want help dealing with that type of individual, I’m your coach.

Everyone else. So,I don’t have the time and space to discuss everyone. I do have thoughts on everyone else. So, if you relate to one of the other house guests or if you have one of the other house guests in your life, and want to either learn to be empowered or deal with a certain personality, let me know.
