Reading Between the Lines

I find it interesting when you talk to people or when I make a post that people read or hear something more than what you said.

I don’t purposely say things so that people have to “read between the lines”. I am usually rather direct in what I say. I think people interpret things a certain way. Word that are plain, poetry, prose are up to interpretation. People interpret words the same way they put their own meaning into art, photography or music.

If by some chance you get a certain meaning from words, mine or someone else’s, then that is because they hit a nerve. They mean something to you. You get the message “between the lines”.

It is sort of like when you are out in public and people look in your direction and laugh. Has that ever happened to you? It has to me. And my first thought is they are laughing at me. And chances are they don’t even notice me. You know that right, don’t you?  People don’t really notice us as much as we think they do. We just feel self-conscious sometimes and think people are noticing us. Anyway, chances are those people you think are laughing at you are laughing at something else. Either someone behind you or something else then they happen to look in your direction while laughing at that something else.

The point is if I or anyone says something and you get some secret hidden meaning that may be your interpretation. That is not necessarily a bad thing. But it is important to think about what you got out of that. That message is important for you to have. The hidden words are speaking to you. They are unintentionally saying what you need to hear. But if you think someone is telling you something in a less direct way, and you don’t like the meaning you read into the words get clarity.

I know from experience this is important. I don’t always know what someone else is saying. If you don’t ask the unanswered questions will drive you crazy.

So, go ahead and read between the lines. If you get something from the words unspoken or unwritten, know that the message is real and will be helpful.

