Child to Adult

Your relationship with people changes over time. When you are a child, you have one relationship with people.  When you become an adult, you have a different relationship.

This can be the parent-child relationship, aunt/uncle and niece/nephew relationship, best friends relationship, your parent’s friends and you relationship to name some options.

As an adult, I have  connected with different people from my past. I have connected with people who were friend’s of my parents, my child hood friends, and then there are relationships with nephews and aunts and uncles.

You see each other differently.

When people are children, there is one level of relationship. When children grow up, there is a different relationship. Even between childhood friends things change as we become adults.

Childhood friends change physically. It is strange for me to see that childhood friend of mine now with facial hair and a slight beer belly. These people now have children and some grand children. They have careers and own their own homes. These are my childhood friends. I still think of them as people with whom I went bike riding, played marbles, and rode with on a school bus.

Adults you admired when you were a child now look at you as someone who is to be respected for your knowledge. You become on more level ground. To me, not completely level as I still think those who are older have life experiences which should not be ignored. And as the child who grew up you see them differently. You see the depth of their personality. It is almost like meeting someone new. These people are no longer Mr. and Mrs. so and so. Now you are on a first name basis.

The point is? There is no point really. These are just observations. You were expecting a point? I guess if I were to make a point it would be this. Children grow up. And when they do relationships change. I find it fascinating.

What fascinates you about becoming an adult? Let me know.

