Oh Heavens!

Way back when, saying the “F” word and giving the gesture that went with it was not common. It was actually not very common at all. In my growing up days that was a very bad word. Even through my college days, it was not something I heard regularly. To me, only the lowest of the low said that word and made that gesture.

There was a time that that word and gesture were used to provide shock. It was what one did to insult. It was done to let someone know that you thought they were not worthy. It was used to put others down. It was a statement.

But today, it is common, really common. It is so common today I don’t even know why it is considered a “bad” word anymore. It is not shocking to hear it. The word and the gesture are pretty much meaningless anymore. It can actually used as a joke today. I have seen people use it today to say something like “shut up”,”leave me alone” or “I don’t care what you have to say”.

Why it is bad and why we need to stop using it.

I have to stop right here and say I have never liked the word or the expression. I think it is not only rude, but violent and filled with anger. I think using it makes one more angry. Even though it is common it still has enough anger behind it to make it a negative force in society. That negative energy is out there.


We get frustrated with others. We get frustrated when we have an “incident” while driving. We get frustrated when someone pesters us. We get frustrated when we get poor customer service or have a lot of steps to get through to have a problem resolved.

In today’s world the “F” word and gesture are the “go to” response. And even though they don’t have the impact they once had, they still put anger into to the world.

What to do?

I suggest using a friendlier word. I know it sounds silly. But is it silly? My suggestion is the expression “Oh Heavens”. Yes, that is my suggestion. It’s a fun thing to say. It is rare. And it is a nice alternative to a very rude and violent word and gesture.

Be a trend setter. Start the “Oh Heavens” trend. I dare you.


