Confidence made Easy


Some people have natural confidence. One of the things I admired about my mom was her confidence. Even when she did not know how to do something, it did not stop her. I too have a lot of confidence. I think I can do all sorts of things. I am not always right, but it does not stop me from trying.

People don’t have confidence sometimes. If they don’t know how to do something, they don’t want to try.  People don’t want to try something if they will fail or think they will fail. Why bother?

The thing about confidence is that we all have confidence in certain areas of our lives. There are things we have tried so we have confidence in that. You know whether or not you like sushi for example. You know if you like roller coaster rides. There are also things we have studied. You know if you are good at computers. You know if you are good at repairing a car or preparing a meal.

But then there are the unknown things. Would I like this or that? Would I be good at this or that? Can I do that job? In this list of unknown things, you want to do this or that. Perhaps you want to start a business. But you don’t have the confidence to try. Perhaps you want to play a sport. Perhaps you want to start a band. But you lack the confidence to do it.

What to do?

Confidence is easy. 

Think of something you excel at doing. What are you really good at doing? What do you love to do? When you do that you have a natural confidence, right? Right. OK so now just use that natural confidence you have in that and apply it to this new thing you want to start doing.

It is that easy.

When you are doing or tying something new and feel reserved just imagine that thing you have mastered in your life. Imagine doing that. You will feel confident.  Now smile. That helps everything. Smiling adds relaxation and confidence. An extra tip about smiling… keep your mouth closed an just put the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Then you have that “Mona Lisa” smile thing going on. It’s like your little secret. In your mind, you know you are smiling, but no one else does. Try it.

Don’t be afraid to try. I have tried and failed more than most people have tried. You may not be great at what you want to do. You may not like that new food you tried. You may not like that adventure. But will never know unless you try.

So what? So what if you don’t like it or are not good at it. If you do try and do like it, who cares if you master it or not? Do what you enjoy. Doing what you enjoy brings richness to your life.

There you go… confidence made easy.

