Your Obituary

Have you ever wondered what your obituary will say? I have. I have been fascinated by death since I was 16. Since then I have wondered who would be sad. I wondered who would miss me.

An obituary reflects your life. It reflects your family relations. It reflects your work. It reflects your activities. Who ever writes them emphasizes your good side and ignores your not so good qualities. We all seem to look like saints, right? You can take a career criminal and say he was good to his family.

It is funny after people die. More often than not people can think of all the good you had in you and all the good you did. We don’t normally say bad things about the dead. We do this to preserve the good memories.

The question is what will your obituary say?

When it talks about your relationships with others who will or will not be there? When it talks about your activities what will it say? Will there be fun trips and adventures? What about your work? Will it say you did what you loved? Will your obituary reflect a life lived the way you wanted? Will it reflect the person you want to be?

Maybe you are living the life you want. Maybe you are living a great life. Good for you! But if you look at your life and say I am not happy with this or that, then perhaps it is time to make that change.

I have learned to understand the concept of having no regrets. We make the decisions that are right for us at the time. But things change. What was right for us at one time may not be right for us now. Sometimes we do things at one time when we really did not have options. But then  after some time we grow and mature and a decision we made some time ago may be working for us now. If this is true for you, then it is time to “kill” what is not working for you anymore and create an alternative to meet that goal or need on a higher level.

Things have to be constantly destroyed in order to make room for something new to come into your life. Life is like a river and it needs to be free to move. Life a river our lives cannot move if it has dams.

So,  take a look at your life. Will your obituary reflect the life you want it to or not? If not, make the change.

If you do “kill” some things that no longer work for you, think of this not as an end but as a beginning. 

You can’t die if you don’t live.

