How do you wish to express yourself?

As you move toward the end of your year and look forward to the future, the question to ask is not “What should I do?” but rather, “How do I wish to express myself?”
You see, this year many of you had very long to-do lists. You knew you had things on your agenda and you didn’t want to miss anything.

This year is now drawing to a close. This is a time for you to reorient yourselves for the next year and understand that the new focus is all about how you wish to be, and what you wish to experience.

Things are always changing, and you are want to be ready for the new year. You need to release the fear of missing something or making mistakes because not only are you mindful, you are starting to recognize that the true value is in experience and self expression.

This is also profoundly important because it is time to make the shift away from martyred service to joyful service. It is about navigating by preference, playing in unprecedented energies, and co-creating and making a difference as you go, and that, friends, is exactly what your souls have been aiming for all along.

