If life were fair

One of the biggest complaints in life is very general, life isn’t fair. This is actually very frustrating. Good things happen to bad people. Bad things happen to good people. The system protects the criminals not the victims. You follow the rules and sometimes wonder why because you see those who don’t getting away with breaking the rules. “No good deed goes unpunished.”

You get instructions on how to do something. You follow the steps to the letter and nothing. Someone else puts in a little effort and are very successful. And you wonder what you did wrong. That happened to me. I tried years and years ago to sell products online. This is when this was very new. I followed the instructions to a “T”. I made $0. Other people were making money. Why not me?

Have you ever told someone you want to accomplish something or have a problem, and they tell you the most obvious answer as if you never thought of that? I have. It happened to me just the other day. The man who I turned to help said, ” why don’t you just ____?”. Duh! That is what I am trying to do, but need help. That is why I went to him. But I am having trouble with it because life is not fair.

If  life were fair, it would be a very different world. It would be a much kinder world. The good in world would be rewarded. The bad would be punished. It would not be so hard. People would not have as much discouragement in world. If it were up to me, life would be fair. But it isn’t up to me.

But we should not let the unfairness of the world discourage us. Sometimes we have to make our own luck. We have to understand what we want, what we really want. It may not be what you think. You have to understand what motivates you. With that information, you can try to equal the out the fairness factor in life.

So, the question I have today for you is how would you fill in this blank?

If life were fair _______?

I have a post on my facebook page if you would like to contribute an answer. You can find it at www.facebook.com/lisaylifecoach

