I coached my coach

So, for a few years I have had my own life coach. (We all need someone). She has not been able to do much coaching lately because of migraines. I tried to talk to her last week, but she was physically not able.

The funny thing is this. I woke up that morning, and I sensed she needed me this time. The plan was to get her input on something I am going through then help her.  I gave her situation a lot of thought on my morning walk. I came up with what I thought was going on with her. Now, normally, a coach will lead the client to the answer. But I took a different approach with her. I analyzed her situation and came up with the situation and solution I felt would help.

I got very disappointed I could not talk to her. I felt bad that her migraines were so terrible. I went through a period of time when I had migraines so I understand to some extent what they are like. But mine were never as bad as her migraines, and mine have since stopped. I also felt bad that I could not coach her. 

Too sick to talk on the phone, I sent her an email. I have to tell you that it felt like a very bold move to coach my coach. I really admire her. I think she is very wise. Who was I to coach her? It felt like an amateur coaching a pro. But I put on my coach’s hat and told her what I thought was going on in her life and what to do.

I sent the email, and really wished to not get a response. I thought she might disagree with my diagnosis and solution. Well, after a few days, there was a quick response on Facebook: My message helped. Thank you.

I was so pleased. She said she had not yet responded to the email due to feeling so disabled. But that she would go into detail later. I was pleased because I helped someone. Not only that, but someone I admire. I helped my mentor. She is the sort of person you don’t think needs any advice or coaching. She seems to have all the answers. I mean she seems to know everything. But we all need help sometimes. She probably does not get a lot of advice from those she coaches.

Last night she made quite a post on Facebook. She talked about how she feels about things. I made a reply. She replied that I was the reason for this post. And she thanked me again. I felt so proud to have helped. I know that my one coaching email made a difference to my coach, my mentor. I look forward to finding out more of how it helped when she feels able to let me know.

In the meanwhile, I know this: I coached my coach and my coach won, and so did I. 

You see, a relationship between a coach and a client is partnership between equals. Your victories are as much your coach’s victories. Her feeling better about things makes me happy. To know that I helped warms my heart and brings a smile to my face.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that success story.


