Are you a big dog or a little dog?

I get inspired every day. I have two large dogs. They are both 90-100 pounds. I found them at the dog park and could not resist. This is not the first time I found dogs at the park, but this time I had to take the abandoned dogs home. Why? I don’t know. I guess they were extra special. I am so glad I did.

Dogs are funny. You have the little dogs who act tough. And maybe, just maybe they will bite your ankle. You also have the big dogs who are very sweet. They have no idea what they are capable of doing as far as protecting themselves or anyone from harm.

My dogs are big barkers. They act tough, but really shy away from strangers. Now, I don’t know what they would do if really threatened, but I don’t think they have any idea how intimidating they really are. Most uninvited guests would stay out of the yard and house.

When they get scared, they hide in my bedroom, by the door to the garage or at my feet. I will say,”Don’t be afraid. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” As I do that, I think how silly that is because they should be  giving me comfort at the scary stuff. I tell them, “Do you know how scary you are? Do you know what you can do to a bad guy?” I know that they could really hurt someone if they were so inclined, And they aren’t so inclined. They don’t seem to get how big and powerful they truly are.

So, I consider all dogs to be guide dogs. They teach us all sorts of things. I don’t know how many times I say things to my dogs that I could say to me or to other people. So, it occurred to me last night when one dog was hiding in the bedroom that sometimes people are the big dog that is gentle and has no idea how much power and capability they really have.

Is that you? Is there something you want to do, but get that big dog mentality and think I can’t do that? I think I will just bark a little then go sit somewhere safe. Maybe when you were barking you thought better of the idea and decided maybe it was risky chasing after what ever it was that you wanted? Or maybe you thought it would be too hard to do?

If you have that big dog mentality, what to do? Find someone who will encourage you. In the same way that I try to ease the minds of my dogs and tell them they are so capable, find someone who can see your potential and help you to see it.   Figure out the risks of chasing down that thing that you want. Then figure out how to overcome those risks. Do not overwhelm yourself with the “what ifs”. Because in the end you want the little dog mentality. We want you to  charge after it without realizing the possible danger, the “what ifs” and go ahead and chase something big. We want you to grab the world by the ankles until you bring it down.

Big dog, you, yes you, can do it. You are so much stronger and capable than you know.

Stop chasing your tail!
