United we stand divided we fall

Hating those who hold different opinions from oneself is not tolerance nor enlightened. It is bigotry.

Wanting no one to express opinions other than yours is not Freedom of Speech. It’s the antithesis of tolerance, enlightenment, and openness.

There is a good reason people have lived in clans, tribes, and communities, with the single most focus being cooperation for the betterment of the whole. There is a good reason animals live in packs. It’s called survival.


The division  we are experiencing, perpetuating, and co creating, at this time is causing Mankind to fall. Mankind— not just society.

It exhausts us, which opens us up to much easier manipulation by the Negative Forces.

People are feeling it. Animals are feeling it. The hatred and animosity feeds the Dark, empowers The Dark.

Hating a person, place or thing is in no way productive, except for empowering The Dark.

We can have tolerance, compassion, sympathy, empathy, and love for what we don’t like and don’t agree with, and still FOCUS on BUILDING , instead of HATING and TEARING DOWN.

The only  *one*  who wins when we hate and send hate and aggression is The Dark.

The protests against free speech need to end. We all need to be heard. Understanding comes from hearing different points of view.  If you disagree, great, but speak your mind in a positive way, and not by silencing the voice of others.

A tense person is wrapped up in himself, his immediate family, the events of his past, the prospects of his future, or how he is regarded by others. 

What does this tension do? It grips. It causes a stranglehold of the channels within him. It cuts off thinking. It is useless for such a person to relax physically as long as he continues to center the mind upon himself. The stranglehold will be there every minute, day and night. When we to love others as our selves, the attention will be focused outwardly, and therefore we will become relaxed. There will be no stranglehold  within and the mind will become free. 

Open your minds to other points of view. You don’t have to like their opinion. You can express your point of view, but let speech be truly free.







Fixing a mistake

Do you remember when you were a kid and something “terrible” happened? Do you remember you thought the world was coming to an end? You thought that the only answer was to move to a new house and go to a new school?

Well, maybe you felt that way, and maybe you didn’t. But when we are young school kids we often think things are really bad sometimes and not fixable. If you ever felt that way, did you tell your parents about this terrible thing and they just did not freak out? Then, they told you everything would be OK. You were doubtful, but then it was.

When we were children, we did not have the understanding that our parents had. We did not have the wisdom and understanding of time. Time heals if you give your mistake time. Things may not work out as quickly as we would hope. We are having a crisis and perhaps a melt down, and we need this mistake to work out now. Right? We want the bad stuff behind us so we can go back to enjoying life. It may be painful to wait sometimes, but this pain is temporary and it will go away.

Even as adults we can feel the way we did as children. We make big mistakes sometimes. We do something unbelievable, don’t we? You think later “What was I thinking?”. I just went through that thought process this week. When we get so wrapped up in a mistake, it is really hard to think straight. We may feel like that small child who thought the world was coming to an end.

If you are lucky, maybe you can go to your mom or dad and tell them what happened, and they can reassure you it will be OK. You may be doubtful, but trust in them. They did not freak out. Maybe they did not understand the level of “terrible” your mistake was?

But maybe they did not freak out because of their perspective. Things always seem worse when they happen to us.

If you can’t go to  your parents, find someone to tell. It may be bad, but it probably is not be as bad as you think. But you need another perspective to see the answer. It may take another person to help you to calm down.

The first step is to define the problem. The next step is to figure out how to reverse the problem. If only life had a reset button, am I right? Unfortunately, in life you can’t just *Control Z* and undo the mistake. Then start taking the steps to solve the problem. Don’t try to fix it all at once. I know you are eager to put it behind you and forget it ever happened. But take it step by step. Only then will you fix it properly. If you have to you can do a quick solution to stop the problem from getting out of control. Put a bandage on it if you will. But once you stop the problem from getting out of control sit down and calmly figure out what to do.

For example, for a pipe leak, turn off the water to the house before you call the plumber. See what I mean? Turning off the water will not stop the problem. But you don’t want the house to be flooding while you call the plumber.

I have a brother in law who taught me that that everything works out. He is so optimistic all the time. (It is really quite annoying sometimes.) But seriously, he told me “Everything always works out.” And it does.

If you have no one to turn to, you know where to find me.





Are you a big dog or a little dog?

I get inspired every day. I have two large dogs. They are both 90-100 pounds. I found them at the dog park and could not resist. This is not the first time I found dogs at the park, but this time I had to take the abandoned dogs home. Why? I don’t know. I guess they were extra special. I am so glad I did.

Dogs are funny. You have the little dogs who act tough. And maybe, just maybe they will bite your ankle. You also have the big dogs who are very sweet. They have no idea what they are capable of doing as far as protecting themselves or anyone from harm.

My dogs are big barkers. They act tough, but really shy away from strangers. Now, I don’t know what they would do if really threatened, but I don’t think they have any idea how intimidating they really are. Most uninvited guests would stay out of the yard and house.

When they get scared, they hide in my bedroom, by the door to the garage or at my feet. I will say,”Don’t be afraid. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” As I do that, I think how silly that is because they should be  giving me comfort at the scary stuff. I tell them, “Do you know how scary you are? Do you know what you can do to a bad guy?” I know that they could really hurt someone if they were so inclined, And they aren’t so inclined. They don’t seem to get how big and powerful they truly are.

So, I consider all dogs to be guide dogs. They teach us all sorts of things. I don’t know how many times I say things to my dogs that I could say to me or to other people. So, it occurred to me last night when one dog was hiding in the bedroom that sometimes people are the big dog that is gentle and has no idea how much power and capability they really have.

Is that you? Is there something you want to do, but get that big dog mentality and think I can’t do that? I think I will just bark a little then go sit somewhere safe. Maybe when you were barking you thought better of the idea and decided maybe it was risky chasing after what ever it was that you wanted? Or maybe you thought it would be too hard to do?

If you have that big dog mentality, what to do? Find someone who will encourage you. In the same way that I try to ease the minds of my dogs and tell them they are so capable, find someone who can see your potential and help you to see it.   Figure out the risks of chasing down that thing that you want. Then figure out how to overcome those risks. Do not overwhelm yourself with the “what ifs”. Because in the end you want the little dog mentality. We want you to  charge after it without realizing the possible danger, the “what ifs” and go ahead and chase something big. We want you to grab the world by the ankles until you bring it down.

Big dog, you, yes you, can do it. You are so much stronger and capable than you know.

Stop chasing your tail!



The Why of Hurricane Harvey

First of  all, prayers and well wishes to those who have been hurt by Hurricane Harvey. I can’t imagine what that is like. An event like this is a terrible catastrophe. There is loss and devastation beyond my imagination. I have seen the aftermath of flooding, but I am sure what I have seen does not compare to this.

The Why of Hurricane Harvey.

What it isn’t.

Some people have been downright mean to say things like they deserve it or I can’t feel sorry for them because the state of Texas as a whole voted for Trump (about 52% of the votes). Or they don’t believe in climate change so this happened. So ha ha this is climate change’s revenge or some such nonsense.

That is just stupid. I can’t believe that people can actually think such a thing, or be so cruel. What kind of people can be so mean? Really now.

And it has nothing to do with any God of any faith. There is no loving God that would do this.

What it is.

A lot of times people speculate as to why this occurs. Well, it is simple. It is a natural occurring event. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes are natural events.

Country unity. 

Aside from the mean spirited out there who hate Texans for what ever reason, this is one of those things that unites us as a people. People all over this land are tying to think of ways to help. How can I help? People all over see there is need and want to help. Money is being raised. Items are being donated. At least one company has shut down beer production and bottled drinking water. People bring out their boats and help others.

People are helping strangers. No one cares about the color of their skin. No one cares about religion. No one cares about for whom they voted. No one cares about any of that.

People need help. That is all people are thinking about. People who are doing the best they can to make it in this tough old world have been caught up in a *Texas sized* natural disaster. This will take a lot of time and money to restore things to get things back to normal. They are people. We don’t have to classify them. Black, White, Latino, Asian,rich, poor, Christian, Jew, Muslim, who cares?

Do we need a disaster?

Why does it take a disaster to unite people? Every time there is a disaster a flood, fire, earthquake or terrorist attack we come together. We care. We look around wondering how to help. Good for us! But why wait for a disaster?

Every day in every community, in every neighborhood, someone needs help. We don’t look away. We don’t look. We don’t seek to help. Heck, it could be just a kind word to someone who may be tired.

I am not suggesting that you go out and knock on doors to find people in need. But get to know your neighbors. Talk. Get to know them. Pick up small clues like a yard that is run down. Pay attention to people when you are out and about. Does that stranger look sad? Then, smile and ask if you are so inclined. Is someone struggling to carry a package to their car? Then help them. It only takes a moment. Some of the best moments I have is when strangers offer to help me when I have a load of rocks or stepping stones to load into my van. Is someone taking care of a sick relative or even a sick pet? Maybe they could use a little break? I know I did when my mom was sick.

The idea is it only takes a small gesture of kindness to make a difference. We are all doing it the best we can. We can all use a little help from time to time. And don’t care about the sex, religion, skin color, or a voter registration card. Just do what you can.

Community unity.

I have said it before. We are just a nation of communities that form cities that form counties that form states that form a nation. If we all make our community the best it can be, then our nation will be too.

Don’t wait for a disaster.

Thank you.

