What is that problem telling you?

Do you have a problem or difficulty?

Then the question is: What is it trying to tell you? What are you needing to learn?

Some people think that the bad in their life is the result of our doing something bad. They may falsely blame it on karma.

Some people think that is just life. There are ups and downs. There are positive things in our lives and negative things in our lives.

But I think it is the world trying to teach you something. The answer may not be so obvious, and that leads to frustration. Because if you don’t get the message, how can you respond properly? If you don’t answer properly, then you can’t get that annoying problem or difficulty out of your life. Or you get it out temporarily and then like a boomerang it returns.

Has that ever happened to you? It has to me.

What to do? 

You need to understand the message.

Hard to believe but the message may be the opposite of what it seems.


I know someone who is very lonely. It makes her feel very sad. It makes her feel very rejected and unusual.

So what does being lonely say? Does it say she needs to learn social skills? Does it mean she should go out and socialize?  No. The message is that she needs to learn about herself. The result of being shy and socially awkward has lead to few friends. So, her company is her own self. She spends a lot of time learning about her.

She is also very near sighted. What does that do? She sees what is near. She sees her life. She can’t see what lies *out there*.  See how it all works?

Your message.

So if there is a problem or difficulty in your life, look at the opposite of what it is. That very well may be where the message lies. Once you decode the message, the answer will follow.

I hope that helps.


