Attention Deficit Disorder

Why are there so many people with  attention deficit disorder?

This has become a growing *condition*. More and more you hear people saying they have it or their children have it. But it wasn’t a thing when I was a kid. So why now?

Let us look at what it really is. It is not the ability to keep your attention on things. It is trying to keep your attention on too many things. People today more and more try to multi task.

Let us start with multi tasking. People feel they have so much to do that they have to do more than one thing at a time:

Talk on the phone and work on the computer. Work on the computer and keep up with social media. Cook dinner and help kids with homework. Drive and talk or text on mobile phone. You get the idea. Many people brag about how well they multi task.

The problem with this is that you are not focused  on either thing. You are not really doing one or the other. You are on auto pilot. You are a zombie. You are not really using your mind at all. You are just going through the motions. Hey, I do it to. When I drive to the grocery store, for example, I am not thinking what street I am on or when to turn. I just drive.

You know the old saying: If you can’t do it right the first time, you don’t have time to do it a second time. And that is the problem with multi tasking. We are not concentrating enough to do things right or well. We rush through things. I know. You have a lot to do, and you think you can’t get them all done unless you do two or even three things at once. But is that really true?

I don’t think so. How can you really do a quality job trying to do multiple things at the same time? Actually, if you were to do just one thing at a time, you would be focused on that task. You would do it better and more efficiently. Then you can move on to the next task.

People do not have trouble with their attention abilities. They do have trouble with giving attention to more than one thing at a time.

What to do? How to become more attentive.

You need to find the time to practice being mindful. You can find the time. Two exercises:

Exercise one:

When you are eating, eat one thing at a time. Take a bite and put your fork down. Don’t start picking out the next bite. Eat the one in your mouth first. Don’t even look at your plate. If you are fortunate enough to be enjoying a meal with at least one other person, look at them. Enjoy that food. Now, after you have swallowed that piece, go ahead and pick up your fork and get the second. Why?

You are training your mind to do one thing at a time. When you start picking at the food on your plate for the next bite you are living in the future and not the present.

Exercise two:

Sit quietly. Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Now, try to count 20 breaths. In and out. In and out.

This simple exercise helps to build up concentration.

Can you build up your concentration to 60 breaths?

Over all tip:

Concentrate on what you are doing in the moment. Don’t be thinking about other things you have to do. Stop rushing through everything. Trust me. Taking your time when you do anything you will do it better and faster than if you try to do two things at once.

If you are washing dishes, wash the dishes. Don’t think about the laundry that needs folding. Don’t think about the dusting that needs doing. Don’t think about the television show you want to watch. Do one thing at a time.

A few simple changes and your attention abilities will grow.

I hope this helps.

