When you don’t have friends

Do you have friends you can count on?

Sometimes there is no one to turn to when you are in need. There are several reasons for this.

It is embarrassing. Sometimes people have something going on in their life and they are embarrassed. They may feel they are weird. Who does that? They may feel stupid because they don’t understand the situation. They feel no one else will understand or others will judge.

It is shameful. They think their situation is a disgrace. They feel less than others. They feel less than others. Who could do that? How did I get this way? How did it happen? Again, they don’t want to talk to friends about it because of the fear of judgment.

It is long term. People have heard about this for so long they are tired of listening. They think you are nothing but a complainer. They want you to get over it already. Move on is the answer, but for you that is easier said than done.

You are private. Some people for whatever reason just don’t like to talk to other people. They keep their business to themselves.

You have few friends.  Some people have very few friends. They are shy. They don’t socialize. They lack a support system.

Whatever the reason may be if you have something eating at you and you have no friends to help you, you know you can count on me.

If feel you can’t reach out to the people in your life or if you have and get no response, please don’t be alone. When people try to deal with things on their own, the issue seems a lot worse than it really is. Other people have a way of looking at things in a brighter way. Sure, things may not be 100%, but they are probably not as bad as you think. And talking about it really helps a lot. Sometimes it takes a simple conversation to clear your head. The next conversation, you come up with a plan. The next few conversations you put the plan to turn things around into motion and adjust the plan to fix any bugs in the plan.

Like all coaches I have a great deal of empathy. Frankly, I have done things that are embarrassing, things that I felt ashamed of, and have had long term issues in my life. Who hasn’t? I have felt weird. I have, at times, wondered if I am the only human being to feel *this* way. Who hasn’t? You have no idea what I have experienced. And experience is a great teacher. I really doubt there is anything you could tell me that would have me think you are a bad person. You don’t know the people in my life who most people would think bad things about, but who I still love, admire and respect.

So, don’t be alone. If you don’t have friends you can reach out to, if you need to talk, find a coach. A nice thing about coaches is that they don’t know you so they do not pre-judge. They don’t know anything about you. That makes them very open to you and thoughts.  I would love to be your coach. But if not me, find a coach. Just don’t be alone.

Take care!

