Big Brother and You

I love Big Brother. As a coach, I am fascinated by how people play. I love watching the interaction between players. Some people say it is only a game, but I disagree. Big Brother is life. These people represent us. They represent the good, the bad and everything in between. Although we are not competing for $500,000, we all have desires to get ahead. We all have alliances. We all trust the wrong people. We all know better then don’t listen to our gut, intuition. We want to fit in. There are leaders, and there are followers.

Just like in life when we look at someone else’s life we can clearly see what people are doing right in their life and what they are doing wrong. We have a harder time looking at our own life. We can’t easily see when we are trusting the wrong person. We can’t see when we did not try hard enough. We can’t see when we are going down the wrong path. We can’t see when we are going down the right path. We can’t see how we are hurting others or when we are being unfair and judgmental and rush to the wrong conclusions.

The biggest thing to me about Big Brother is our reaction to the players. What most people do not understand is their strong feeling about a player is that strong feeling relates to them. If you really like or don’t like someone, why is that? The reason is that it represents something in you.

If you see someone be a bully and you hate that, then you have either been bullied or you bully people too. Now, I am not talking about the bully who steals someone’s lunch money. I am talking about the bully who does any sort of annoying action to manipulate others.  If you see someone be a bully and you think they are entertaining, what does that mean? Well, you like to be in control of a situation. You like to manipulate others.

What if you have strong feelings when you see a player cry? If it turns you off, it could be that you are too sensitive. Maybe you cry easily and don’t like that about you. If you feel for that person, maybe you were hurt a lot growing up and others made you cry. You know how that person feels. If you think it is funny, well, maybe you feel crying is a weakness and you know you are stronger than that.

What if a player seems to have everything go his/her way? Does that make you feel envious? Does it make you think life is unfair? Does it make you wonder why some people seem to win and win? Do you think some people get all the breaks? Or do you cheer that person on because you can relate? You think that person knows what he/she wants and they go for. That person is not a freeloader. They are a player.

Learn something about you.

Watching Big Brother is fun! It is entertainment. It is filled with twists and turns. It is also a great opportunity to learn something about you. When you love/hate a player, wonder why. Wonder what that player represents in you. Big Brother is a great mirror. What do you see in the reflection?

And pay attention to the comments. If you see a comment with an opposite view point than you, wonder why. Wonder how they can see things so differently. Why? Because a different point of view is directed toward you. They might as well be talking to you directly. It can be very beneficial.

Want to make a change?

I hope that watching Big Brother will help you to know you better. If you find some emotions disturbing, that is normal and healthy. It says you are open to meeting your needs as a person on a different, higher level. It also means you know what characteristics you would like to emphasize and which ones you would like to down size.

There aren’t any good or bad characteristics. No matter what you discover about you this summer watching Big Brother, you simply learn what works and what does not work for you. Maybe there are some things to change so you can be the person you want to be.

Need help? You know where to find me.

