Appreciate your haves and have nots.

We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.

Malala Yousafzai

Isn’t that the way it is with most things? We take so many things for granted. I like to think that most people realize how blessed they really are.

I am reminded of a man I knew in college who had kidney disease. After he got a transplant, he said to me, “You don’t know how sick you are until you are better.”

In the same sense, would it take losing it all to appreciate all the good you have?  If you lost it all, would you say, ” I didn’t know how good it was until I lost it all.”?

There are the haves to appreciate and then there are the have nots to appreciate.

The haves in your life.

Sometimes I think we have to look at the silver lining. Sure there is dirt on the kitchen floor, but you have a kitchen floor to get dirty. Sure, the car needs cleaning, but you have a car. Sure the dishes need cleaning, but you had food to place upon those dishes. You get the idea.

The have nots in your life. 

Now turn it around. What are the issues you don’t have (I hope)? Maybe it is all your possessions in your car. Maybe it is the lack of food in the pantry or the fridge. Maybe it is a child with a deformed lip. You get the idea.

My challenge to you today is to look around and see what hidden treasures you truly have. How many can you find? Now, how many things do you not have in your life?

I hope this little exercise will make your day. I hope it makes you feel great with all that you have and don’t have. Appreciate your haves and have nots. 
