A post life lesson from Big Brother

So, I am a big fan of Big Brother. I was thinking this morning about how decisions are made to evict based sometimes on false ideas. There are rumors that simply are not true and yet they get people evicted.

Take Ramses for example. Paul said last night that part of his wanting Ramses out was because he took the $25,000 temptation. BUT Ramses did not take the $25,000. Kevin did, and if I am not mistaken, Kevin started the rumor.

So, some day when the game is all over Paul will find out that a big reason he wanted Ramses out is because of the $25,000 he never took. And Kevin already knows that his lie about Ramses was a big reason for Ramses getting evicted.

Two questions:

 Question one: Does Kevin currently feel at least a little bad that his two actions, taking the temptation and starting the false rumor,  hurt someone, Ramses, else? Not only that, but taking that temptation also hurt the house by bringing Paul into the house decreasing their chance of winning. And also directly hurt one more person, Cameron, being evicted.

Question two: Will Paul in the future when the truth is revealed feel bad that Ramses was evicted on a false rumor and that the real culprit, Kevin was his little puppet?

Look, I know this is a game. Paul had other reasons to want Ramses evicted. I also know that lying is part, a large part, of the game. So, Kevin did what he felt he had to do to take the focus off him. He, in his own words, “played the game”. But still he wants to get together with Ramses for Thanksgiving.

I would like to know if Ramses will forgive Kevin.

The lesson

After the end of the game:

Paul will find out that Kevin took the temptation.

Ramses will know that Kevin took the temptation and lied about it and that played a big part in his eviction.

Everyone will learn that Kevin, who is a real snake they all seem to trust, took the temptation that brought Paul back into the game and his lie got Ramses evicted.

How will Paul and Kevin and anyone else feel about how they treated Ramses?

Your life and your ways:

If you knew that after you died, you were to meet all the people and animals that were in your life, and you had to feel the pain you caused, would you change your ways? Or would you meet them with a clear conscious?

The Jury

In Big Brother, there is a jury at the end who decides the winner. What do you think Ramses would say to Paul? To Kevin? Would he vote to have either one win? Paul believed someone he trusted, but Kevin started a false rumor.

What if this happened in your life? What is it was not God who judged, but those who were in your life and died before you? What if they were your jury, and they determined whether or not you got to go to Heaven? Would you treat them the same now or not?

FOR THE RECORD: I do not think we get judged like this or in any way after we die. This is just for illustration purposes. It is for thought provoking purposes only. 

But if you want to know what I think you may ask me. You know where to find me. 

Let us treat others, people and animals, with all the love and compassion we have here and now. Let us not treat them in such a manner now that would make us not want to see them after we die.


