Talent or luck?

Have you ever noticed that some people seem so charmed? It seems that no matter what they want they get it? I know a couple of people like that. Between you and me, it makes me a little sick. Life has always been hard for me. I have had to struggle very hard for every little accomplishment.

Talent or luck?

So are these people very talented or lucky? I think a little of both. There are a lot of talented people out there. They are competing for the same thing. Some will do better than others. I think that it takes a bit of good luck to be the one to rise up from the masses of talented people and be the one who goes farther and does better.

Think about this. Mary Higgins Clark is a very talented author. She is very successful. But, her first book was rejected many times before being accepted and published. So, was is talent or luck? Well, she is very talented. If she were very lucky, her book would have been accepted the first time. It took a lot of work to get to that success.

Now think of this. Some young girl sent a story to Steven Spielberg. It got on his desk and he liked it enough to make a short film. Now, the story was good. Is the young girl talented? Well, I don’t know. I guess talented enough to write one good story. Is she lucky? Yes! It was an accident that the story got on his desk. He was not supposed to see it. Normally, that submission would probably just be tossed out with a polite rejection letter (probably like the dozens of them that Mary Higgins Clark got).

Is it talent or luck?

 If you are successful time after time, it is talent. If you are successful once, it is luck. If you are successful time after time in very challenging situations, it may be both.

What is important?

Well, I think talent will take you a lot farther than luck. If you have a marketable skill that is exceptional, you will always do well. It may take you a few tries to succeed, like Mary Higgins Clark, but it will pay off for a life time. One lucky break may be all you get. You may be a one hit wonder so to speak, like the girl writing to Spielberg, but it won’t last a life time.

Making your own luck.

Well, maybe it is more making your own opportunities rather than luck. We really don’t have any control over luck, do we? If we did, going to a casino or playing the lotto would be very different.

So, what to do? Develop your talent. We all have one. If there is something you really want to be able to do in life, develop your talent. Take classes. Practice. Learn the ins and out of what it is you want to do. Talk to the ones who have gone before you.

Sounds like a lot of work, doesn’t it? Yep! But if you really have a passion for what you want to do, it should not seem like work. It should seem like an adventure.

And when you accomplish what you want to accomplish, how will that feel? And that feeling makes it all worth it. 


