Why some don’t believe in God

For simplicity, I will use the term God to represent the Higher Power for all religions.

As one who believes in God, it is hard to imagine not believing in God. I have a very strong faith. I know there is a Higher Power. What exactly that Higher Power is I don’t know, but I do believe.

I look at the wonders of the world and think God, what ever God is had to create this. There had to be a creative force.

Two groups: 

I think that there are two groups of people who do not believe. Group one has been disappointed by their God. They prayed for this and that and nothing. That for which they prayed did not happen, materialize. They see other people pray and seemingly have their prayers answered. Why them and not me is the usual question.

I have seen that so many times. Some people seem to always get what they want and need as if God is providing it just for them. Have you ever noticed that? I have a friend who never seems to worry. God provides.

But for some when the job never comes, the sick die, they are overwhelmed with life and they ask God to help, but nothing. It is understandable why faith is missing.

Group two are people who have a very strong inner drive for the survival need of certainty. Those of us who believe in a Higher Power usually have a commonality. We turn our lives over to our God. As a Christian, I was taught to “let go and let God”. I was taught to release the burdens of life to Jesus.

Those in group two don’t want to do that. They don’t want to turn over the control of their life to some invisible God. The certainty they have in their life is the control they have. They believe that if you want something you, and you alone, make it happen. It makes their personal power stronger. This is the survival need of significance, and this is how they meet that need. It is a uniqueness to not believe in a Higher Power.

Now the opposite survival need of significance is love and connection. They have not made that love and connection to any God. They lack bonding and oneness with any Higher Power.

It isn’t that they do not have any sort of love or connection with others. Maybe they do and maybe they don’t. It is more that they tend to their own needs in their own way.

So there you have it. They are not atheists. They do atheism. Atheism is the tool they use to meet their survival needs their way.

