It’s OK to want what you want

As long as you don’t want something that harms other people or something illegal, it is OK to want what you want.

Sometimes people seem to think they don’t deserve to have the life of their dreams. It just wouldn’t be fair. I have actually thought that.

Life is meant to be enjoyed. What ever it is that gives you pleasure it is OK. You don’t need to have other people understand. You don’t need other people to approve. What you need is to enjoy life just the way you want it.

So, if you have a dream, live it to the best of your abilities. If you want to be a rich and famous actor or professional athlete, that may be stretching it a bit far. But if you can do some sort of acting or play sports, then do that. Enjoy that. If you want to be a singer, do that. You may not produce records or get paying jobs, but you can find some way to sing and get pleasure from it even if it is at a talent show.

I really don’t understand so many people ask is it OK if I…? People get so caught up in etiquette. They don’t know if what they want to do is “proper”. Is it going to hurt someone else? If not, it is OK. Will it make someone else feel better? If so, it is OK.

Give yourself permission to live the life you want. To have or not have what you want in your life. When you do, you will pinch yourself just to make sure you are not sleeping and having a really good dream.

I think if it is in your heart, you have good intentions, you really can’t go wrong. But if you think what you want to do is questionable, ask. We all have that cool friend who really knows if something would be inappropriate or not. Ask that person. If you don’t want to ask someone you know, you know where to find me.
