What ace are you hiding?

No one knows you better than you. But, we are not always honest with ourselves. We are not always honest with our true capabilities. We down play our assets. We sometimes give a little effort. Then when we do not get results we give up.

Or we let fear of success or failure take over and we choose to not work toward a certain goal. We are meeting one of our 4 survival skills and we are comfortable how we are doing it. It may not be the best way to meet that goal, but as long as we are meeting that need, we are satisfied. When we are not meeting that need, then we change what we have to in order to be fulfilled.

We simply hold back. Sometimes we like to keep something secret. You don’t want anyone to know you have the four aces, right? Or maybe you have an ace up your sleeve, and you don’t want to bring it into play prematurely.

But what if you took that ace out of your sleeve and played it? What if it meant opening up a whole bunch of possibilities for change and improvement in your life? Would you do it?

People hold that ace for when they really need it. But when is that?

I think what stops a lot of people from acting is the fear of looking foolish. You want to do something different. What will others think? Who cares? Necessity is the mother of invention. Necessity is also the mother of change.  If you want to meet some need on a higher level, it is time to play that ace. And when you do smile and nod, “Yes, I had an ace.” Think how fun that will feel.

Amaze your family and friends.

So, What are you pretending not to know? What are you pretending you are not capable of doing?

Open the doors of possibilities. Enjoy!

