Day 14


I hope all is well with you.

As you progress to what ever it is you are working on, I want to remind you that every day, every project, has its challenges.

My old business.

I used to own a business. We worked with independent workers and not employees. The government does not like that arrangement so they try to discourage this business model through a lot of regulations. It drove me crazy. I was a member of a coalition of like business owners to keep aware of the laws. One small mistake and you could lose it all.

One day I talked about it with my office manager. She said, “If it were easy, everyone would do it.” That is probably true. It would be a lot more appealing to small businesses to have that business model. For that industry, it is the only way to operate the business otherwise costs would be too high and customers would not pay the fees, and a lot of people would not have work.

The point is that there are challenges. Some things come naturally to others and some have to work harder to do the same thing.

It is hard for me.

Things are hard for me. I am that person who understands the general concept of a thing, but doing it is a whole other thing. I go to workshops. I sit. I listen. I understand. But I walk out at the end of the three days thinking what did I get out of that? I usually feel cheated because someone did not give me their magic wand so I can make all my dreams come true.

Other people walk out with the magic wand. They have it. They have all the guidance and direction they need to make it happen. And I just sit there wondering what is wrong with me.

The last one I went to on the third day I sat next to someone new. We chatted. She had the magic wand. As we chatted, I expressed that I had gotten nothing from the work shop that I could use. She looked at me and said, “We were at the same work shop.” She seemed a little disgusted with my attitude. “I know.” was my response.

The point is that things are hard for me. Everything is a challenge.

Fight through it.

I am great at generating ideas and plans. I can create the step-by-step plan. And  I have to do it that way. I can’t just go to a work shop and start doing the thing. But I push through. So, when I tell you to push through, I am not doing it from the perspective of life is easy and the answers are simple. I am doing it from the perspective that life is challenging.

If this thing that you are trying to accomplish, when you hit a challenge, fight through it. If it worth it to you, if you really want it, you have to fight through it. As you work though the challenge, it will get easier. Why? Because you learn. The more you get involved in something the more you learn the ins and outs. As you push through, you see how all the components fit together.

You really just have to get over that hump.
