Law of Habit

Change is a habit. 

You built your life just as it is by creating habits. Everything you do is a habit.

Law of Habit:    Any thought or action you repeat becomes a habit.

At first, you have to think about this new way of doing something. It takes effort and willpower. You naturally want to do things the familiar and easy way. But as you practice a thing, it becomes part of your conscious mind. It becomes automatic.

Good Habits.

For success in anything, you need to build on good habits and kick the bad habits out of your life.

If there is someone who has accomplished what you want to accomplish, do what they do. Follow their habits. And know that they still follow the habits that got them where they are.

If you change your eating habits to lose weight, would you change your eating habits once you lose weight? Not if you want to keep the excess weight off. This is true for everything. Do what you have to do to meet that goal and keep the habits you followed to get there.

Sow a thought and you reap an action.

Sow an action and you reap a habit.

Sow a habit and you reap a character.

Sow a character and you reap a destiny. 
