Day 12


I think one of the hardest things to do in modern life is to focus. We have so many of our own personal things going on. Plus, there is this enormous amount of information at our finger tips on the internet. That information gives us all sorts of thoughts.

A big change I have made in the last few months is to stop paying so much attention to all those Facebook posts. The information was overwhelming,  a little depressing and most stressful. I just had to cut it way down. Otherwise, I would think about all those things all day.

Sometimes I think we would be happier if we did not have quite so much information. I know people who have cut Facebook completely off as it was too much. I know people who have never been on it. I like seeing what my friends are doing, the cute videos, and such, but I have to keep off the “news”.

The point is that we are constantly being bombarded with information. As someone called it “noise”.

All this noise makes it hard to focus. It is a distraction.

It seems to me that in today’s world we need to learn to think without all that noise. This is why yoga classes and meditation time is growing.

Live in the moment.

I know. You have heard that before. It isn’t easy. We have a long list of things to do. But the best way to get all those things done is focus. Focus on one thing at a time.

Take the first thing on your list. Do it. Focus on that item. Now, move on to the next. When you start a task, don’t think about anything else but finishing that task. Don’t multi-task. Why? Because you lose focus.

Think about long distance runners.

I am not a runner. But I watch runners. If you are one or not, have you ever watched people run? They are so intense. They are so in their own time and place. They are so in the moment or so it seems. They seem to be focused on one thing their run. Now, I could be wrong. They could be thinking about all the other things they have to do that day. But it seems they are focused.

Most athletes seem to be in their zone. They have one task at that moment, and that is all.





If we all tackle any “to do list” item the same way, we would really thrive. We would get those things on our list done. They not only would be done they would be done well and efficiently. Providing more time for other things or just relaxing.

So, the challenge for you is to focus on one thing at a time. While you do your activity think about finishing. Don’t think about rushing through though. That is a whole different mind set. No, the idea here is to focus on the task at hand, doing it well, and getting it done, but not rushing. Frankly, if you concentrate on the task at hand and not 100 other things, you will be surprised how quickly you will actually finish.

