Day 11

Today is more of a motivator day.

Do this for you. What ever your project or goal is do it for you. Don’t do it for others. Even if others benefit from your actions, do it for you. Do it for the glory of the accomplishment.

Success. People define success in different ways. If you ask people what success is  an answer could be a career. It could be making a certain amount of money. It could be building your own business. It could be raising happy and well adjusted children. who are making a success out of their lives. It could be losing weight. It could be running a marathon.

To me, success is accomplishing what you set out to do. So, it could be any and all of the above.

Measure success in your own terms. Don’t measure it by what others think is successful. We have different dreams. Success is meeting your dreams not someone else’s dreams. Do it for you. 

Allow the change. Do you realize that sometimes people are afraid of having the goal or accomplishment they seek?  Sometimes people don’t feel they deserve that good thing. They don’t deserve to have a good career, able to wear smaller clothes, or to have a mate for life or what ever it is they are seeking.

I know that sounds crazy, but it is true. That may actually be true for you. I know it has been true for me. There have been things I wanted in the past that in my mind I wanted it. But in my heart, I was self-conscious. Would I actually be comfortable with ________?

You are where and how you are in life because it is where you feel comfortable. We sabotage change so often. It may be a subconscious thing, but you do. I highly suggest you take some some and meditate or do self-hypnosis and allow yourself the permission to change. Ask yourself why is this my comfort zone? And then, how can I find the same thing in a new zone?

If you get to that new zone, if you meet your needs on a higher level, how will that feel?

Once again, make small goals. Celebrate the accomplishment of each step. As your check off goals, you get closer and closer to the original big goal. This should help with feeling you are being successful.

As you check off each goal, you get farther out of your comfort zone and more comfortable in the new zone.

OK, now go out there and do it.
