Day 4

Day 4 of the #30daytransformation

Stay the course.

Sometimes it is fun to make things up as you go along. Have you ever gone for a ride in the car and said hey let’s go that way. And you just drive until you are ready to go home and find the road that takes you home? Well, people don’t do that so much anymore. We used to call that a Sunday drive. It was a nice quiet, slow paced drive somewhere away from it all. It is actually hard to  be able to do that anymore. People are in such a hurry these days. If you try to take a leisurely drive anymore you are likely to encounter a horn, a car speeding by, and maybe a rude gesture.

Think about kids. They love to make things up as they go along. Have you ever played a game with a kid who continues to change the rules (always in their favor)? You smile because it is cute. Kids love to make up a game. I know when I was a kid we made up games. Adults don’t do enough of that.

But if you have a goal you are trying to reach making things up as you go along is not the best idea. I talked about this before in a post about “winging it”. I know someone who wings it a lot. He never worries about consequences or problems he may encounter. He will handle whatever happens when it happens. The issue I have with “winging it” is that if you gain an accomplishment with it and try to recreate that you don’t always know what you did that accomplished that. Then when you want to do it again, you can’t unless you get lucky experimenting.

It is better to have some sort of course of action to follow. It does not have to be too strict. You want a plan which is flexible. But for the most part stay the course. You don’t have to do everything in one day. But try to accomplish at least one thing every day. Take one step, one move toward reaching your goal. If you deviate from the course, you may end up somewhere else. Or at the very least you will go in a direction you don’t want to be going.

Imagine being a train. You have a track to follow. Now, the track can change, but not much, and you don’t want to get off track.
