Day 2

This is Day 2 of the #30daytransformation.

Be ready for anything. 

I remember a job I had at a dry cleaners many years ago. My boss was adding credit card machines. I had a handful of “what ifs”. The other lady who worked there also had a few questions. My boss had the attitude that we were worried over nothing. He may have been right. But, that was my mindset at the time. I thought of all the possible things that could go wrong.

It isn’t that I expected things to go wrong. I just wanted to know what to do if something went wrong. I wanted to be ready for anything.

I have never been a person who likes surprises. I like knowing what is on the other side of the mountain, round the curve, or the end of a book. Yes, I am that person who peeks at the end of a book to see how it ends.

Sometimes I am good at thinking on my feet. I have on occasion been able to handle some sort of an emergency with some quick thinking. I have done what had to be done to handle a situation. And frankly, I like doing that. I like being the one who jumps in to help.

Sometimes I am not that good at thinking on my feet, and I don’t want to get stuck not knowing what to do. More, I don’t want to have something happen and I get baffled in the moment and feel temporarily helpless. I don’t want to go home and that night and replay the scene in my mind again and again thinking what I should have said or done.

I know that no matter what happens there is always an answer, a remedy to solve a problem or issue. I know that things always work out. But if something happens and I don’t have a ready response I tend to get flustered and frustrated.

To me, life is just a lot easier if you know what you would do  if  something goes wrong or the unexpected happens.  Now, this may seem like negative thinking. It may seem as if I expect things to go wrong. This is not the case at all.

Think about the police, the F.B.I. or the fire department. These people train for everything. They think about how they would respond if things were to go wrong or if something unusual happens. This is what I am talking about.

If you are taking on a new challenge, then, think about the hurdles that may come up. There will be hurdles. And the best way to get over them is to be informed. Know what to expect. Think through the entire process of what ever it is you want to do. What is step one? How do you do that? What is step two? How do you do that?

You can’t think of everything. I have had things happen, and it is so hard to believe that that happened because you never “in a million years” would have seen that coming. Some things are just unheard of. But if you think about the answer to other hurdles, you more than likely have a good response for this unexpected hurdle and get right back on track.

So be ready for anything, well almost everything. 

Coach Lisa