30 day transformation


So, today I want to start a program I call 30 Day Transformation.

Before I start I want to make a purpose statement for this blog:

I love helping and inspiring people. If I can help or inspire someone with just one post, that would be so wonderful. I do have my passions sadness/depression, care for caregivers, addictions, hoarding, and pets. My mind is always going with ideas. I am inspired every day on all sorts of subjects big and small. 

I also am a coach for those who need a little more guidance than a post provides. It is a general belief by coaches that people have the answer in them, and that it is the job of the coach to give any needed guidance to bring forth the answer. 

So in this 30 days of transformation posts, I want to give an outline of getting out of your comfort zone.  What I want to accomplish here is to give a general outline for a way to make change in your life if that is something you want.

These 30 posts are not meant to be all the answers, but rather a starting point. If you can take the thoughts provided here and make a change from that, good for you! But if you get even a little inspired to make a change I am available to provide that extra guidance.

So, here we go.

Day 1:

There is talk of zombies taking over the world. The image is of people with outstretched arms grunting. But isn’t that how we really are? Well, we may not walk with outstretched arms and grunting, but how much thinking do we do anymore? We are so often on cruise control. See more of this here: http://www.ctacoaches.com/lisay/2017/06/08/get-out-of-the-rut/

We have our comfort zone. Think of mice not wanting to leave their little hole in the wall. Don’t take that wrong.  I did not call you mice. These little mice have heard of the world out there. But the world past the familiar is scary. We know how to get through the maze of our lives. It is easy, but we often do it without thinking. How often have you been driving somewhere and thought, “Wait where am I going?” when you missed your turn. But then again staying in the comfort zone can be uncomfortable. It can be restless. We may not think we are doing enough. We want to try different things, but doubt creeps in.

I think one of the best things to do is to try to do one challenging thing every day. What is one thing you would like to try to do that you have not tried? This can be something as simple as going to a bar, restaurant or movie alone. But you should take one small step toward change every day no matter how small. Once you get comfortable with many small steps you can move up to bigger challenges.

If you have been following along, you know that I have challenged myself to a new exercise program I developed myself. It is a modified military exercise program. The first day I was so sore. I was sore immediately after doing 100 push ups. I could hardly move my arms. And my chest hurt. But today, I did 200 push ups and my arms and chest don’t hurt at all. I worked through the pain. That makes me smile. It makes me feel as if I accomplished something. I earned that pain. I was used to push ups, but in the past I would do 30 at a time.

The point is that doing new things may be painful in a way. If it takes you out of your comfort zone, you will feel uncomfortable. If you were to say, go to a restaurant alone, you may feel everyone is looking at you in a judgmental way. Probably not. People don’t really pay as much attention to us as we think. Who knows? Who cares? You did something new. Good for you!

Suggestion: Once you accomplish that challenge reward yourself. You worked through the pain. And really, it was better than having an operation without anesthesia, right? So, give yourself an ice cream or something.

There you go. That is lesson 1.

Now, go do something new.. anything.

Coach Lisa


P.S. Do I have to remind you to not do any dangerous stunts? I didn’t think so because if I did I would have to write a disclaimer. You know like don’t do anything dangerous or illegal.