

There is a lot of that going around.

You just keep going and going, but to where? Does it seem as if you just can’t find your get up and go? I know that feeling well.

What is your motivation? It isn’t a big mystery. You know what it is, but you may not be aware of what it is. But it isn’t all that complicated. There are only four options.

What is your why?

Are you uncomfortable with your life? Has your comfort zone become uncomfortable? 

You had a goal. It isn’t going the way you wanted or expected. And now you are tired. You are too tired to try any more. Why? Because  motivation only lasts a very short time. Then you slip back to your comfort zone. Which, is now uncomfortable because you are back where you started. Unaccomplished.

Think about it. Every December 31st most of us make a resolution. “Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life.” February 1st, what is your thought now? Are  you smiling right now? Are you nodding in agreement? Are you asking what is the answer?

Mental toughness. It isn’t that hard. Really. There are three easy steps. Change routine, attack idea, become the new you.

OK. I will let you think about this. I will leave  you with one last thought. You can. I can help.


