Get out of the rut.

Hey I hope all is well with you.

I know it has been awhile since I have been here. I have been very busy. I  also took a little vacation.

I am working on some very exciting things right now. One is a new program. It is a 30 day plan to transforming any life. So, keep your eyes open.

Here is a preview:

I am a creature of habit, and I bet you are too. It isn’t a bad thing. It helps to have a routine to make sure things get done, right? But on the other hand it makes one a zombie. We are pretty much on autopilot.

Have you ever driven a car with the cruise control on? You don’t pay so much attention to the traffic do you? You just steer. Sometimes you are just cruising along and suddenly you are suddenly right on the bumper of a sower vehicle in front of you. Or maybe you suddenly are coming to a place where you have to turn off the cruise control and it seems odd having to control the speed of the car manually. When your life on cruise control, you aren’t improving. And that is OK too, if you are happy with your life as is. And that is OK. If you are happy with your life, good for you!

Another thing about routine, is that is isn’t very stimulating. Your mind gets pretty lazy when you do things the same all the time. I make a point of doing even little things differently just to keep my mind busy keeping up. Every month I move my watch from the left wrist to the right wrist and back to the left. It takes a while to remember which wrist. Then when I am used to the location of my watch it is time to switch again.

Life is not a play, movie or television show. There are no dress rehearsals. There are no “do overs”.

Just as much as we need to train our bodies we need to train our minds. Working on getting better as a person is a big part of that. Sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zones to grow. That uncomfortable feeling only lasts for a little while. Then you get used to the new situation or new way of being.

To grow do one uncomfortable thing every day. You will learn to combat your fears. As you do, you will build up your confidence. You will also learn that what ever you feared would happen was all in your mind.

So, go out there and shake it up a little.

I have been reinventing my coaching business. It is still under construction. But I will be free to help transform lives again soon.

And from now on I am simply COACH. But I did keep my facebook page the same. So, you can find me at

OK keep tuned. I will be back soon!

