Lost dreams

You, yes you the one cursing at your life. Discontented? Regimented?

I’ve no doubt you dream about the things you’ll never do. But I wish someone had talked to me like I wanna talk to you.

You can run and run. But in time you run out of places and friendly faces. You ran and ran to be free. You have been to a lot of places, but have you ever been for you?

You, yes you don’t run away. ‘Cause I don’t want you to be alone today.

Won’t you share a part of a weary heart? Have you lived a million lies? Lies to help you to cope? Lies to give you hope?

It seems others are in paradise.  They dine at the captain’s table. They sip champagne on a yacht. They are undressed by the rich and famous.

What is paradise? It is a fantasy we create about people and places as we’d like them to be.  In this day and age it is largely imagined by other people’s Facebook posts or lack of (leaving the bad stuff out). But you know what the truth is? What is paradise?

It is that little baby you’re holding. It is that spouse you fought with this morning. The same person you will make love with tonight. It is that dog that greets you at the door after a long day at work. It is that stranger who smiles just so at lunch. It is that friend who gives you a compliment.

That’s truth. That’s love. That is paradise.

What is the cost of running to be free? Have you become bitter searching for the sweet life? Stop searching for paradise. Be you and you have found it.

If you have a weary heart, you know where to find me.

Lisa Y Life coach
