Life Demolition


Do you find you are really confused? Does your life make absolutely no sense to you? Is it all shook up?

Sometimes a life gets very off track. Sometimes some event shakes it up. It could be a surprise death of a loved one. It could be a someone coming into your life. Maybe it is a new pet. Maybe it is loss of a job. When something dramatic happens, it can shake up your life, and it feels broken. 

How do you fix something that is broken? Well, you repair it. You can’t just patch things up. You can’t just use duct tape.


When something needs fixing, sometimes you can just make a few adjustments and it will be fine. Sometimes you  need to take it apart.

When you take it apart, you find out what’s important.


 If your life feels all out of sorts, then maybe it is DEMOLITION TIME! Knock the pieces of your life down! Then, put it back together again. And it is OK if some of the parts don’t go back into your life.

Find out which parts are useful and keep those. The rest are not filling a need anymore. So, toss them.

If there are any empty spaces because you got rid of a few things, then  get replacement parts.


Well, you have to figure out what makes you tick. What is near and dear to your heart? Now, what is contradictory? What is not fitting? What piece(s) just is not right? What is blocking you? What is or is not working for you?

You may not know it, but you really do know the answers. You need to get down to the basics. You need to get down to the building blocks of your life. Sometimes lives get so complicated. Sometimes there is too much going on, and you get confused.

Once you get to the basics, you will know what is important to your life. Then, you can build it up again from the ground up. It is OK to do this. It isn’t going backwards to start again. It is a lot better to start again with a fresh foundation than to try to work around the clutter of the stuff that does not fit anymore and is only getting in the way.


Not the destruction of life,but rather getting rid of the old and broken and replacing with new and whole.


Lisa Y. Life Coach