A cat in a tree


I hope all is well with you.

Community Unity

So last night I was very concerned about a cat in a tree. It was not my cat. I am a member of my “Next Door Neighbor” network. And a lady had finally found her lost cat in her neighbor’s tree. It was reported to be about 25-30 feet up. So this lady reached out to the community.

How can I get my cat out of the tree?

People called around on her behalf. 

The fire department—no. 

The humane society–no. 

A tree service—yes. 

The city—unknown.

I even looked up and found a directory for people who get cats out of trees. Yep! There really is such a thing.

A lady tried to climb the tree but got only half way. She volunteered to have her 7 year old climb up today if necessary.

A man said he could go and rent a condor lift on his way home from work. He asked that someone text him if that would be needed. About 24 minutes later, I sent the text.

It was maybe 30 minutes later and a joyous message was sent. We got him.

My nephew nate engaged in an epic battle with “lil guy” up in the canopy, but was able to hand him down to me.. he got a couple of good swipes in on us both.

Turns out “Lil Guy” is a 28 pound cat. And if you have ever had to deal with an angry and scared cat, you can imagine how nasty that cat just may have been.

And the man, Mike, and his nephew Nate, well, they are heroes in our, those following the drama, book.

Here is the point. We, a bunch of strangers from all around town, came together. We know nothing about one another except that we all cared about Lil Guy. A few of us even offered to chip in to the $400 fee if the tree service guy was called.

We knew nothing about political opinion, religion or any thing else that is used to  divide. We just wanted a cat to get home. We wanted the cat to get water and food, and be in his owner’s lap.

I have said it more than once before. I will say it again. The world is just one community after another. Let us take care of our communities. If we would all come together in community unity, what pleasure there would be.

I know. not everyone will be willing to participate. Some people just want to disrupt life. But let us not have that stop us.

After the cat got out of the tree, everyone was so excited. We cheered! We thanked everyone for their contribution. For, we all played a part. We all helped according to our ability. Everyone felt great. Everyone felt the love of community.

We are a community. We are all connected. We rock!

Wishing you a wonderful day.

Lisa Y. , Life Coach
