Best Gift

One of the best gifts I ever received was a bottle of Charlie. I got it for my birthday when I was in college.

Why was this one of the best gifts?

It certainly was not the monetary value. It was not that it was on my wish list. It was not something everyone else had and I was now cool to have it. Nope.

There are two reasons it was such a great gift. First, it was given to me by someone I admired. She was a year ahead of me. She was well rounded. She was both smart and also a sports fan. She was everything I wanted to be.

Second, it was a gift a young women received. This friend of mine gave me a gift that she probably liked for herself. It was a gift that treated me like a woman who was at an age to be serious about men and dating and finding a mate.

This is the key. I was still a little on the tomboy side. Although I liked to dress to be appealing to men, I was not a woman to wear cologne or perfume. But this friend of mine saw something in me that I had not. I was a woman who would wear cologne or perfume.

From then on, I felt woman enough to wear Charlie. Heck, if my mentor gave me  gift she thought suited me, it must be true. I enjoyed it. It made me feel special.

People become what people expect of them. 

When we treat people a certain way, we tell them this is what you are to me. This is what I see. If you treat someone like they are pretty or handsome, they will believe it. If you treat someone like they are smart, they will act smart. If you treat someone like a thief, they will steal. If you treat someone they are a no good drug user, they will be that.

We all need to be encouraged from time to time. We all need to feel smart, attractive, worthwhile. When we are down, we need that to be reinforced by others.

Sometimes friends and family stop seeing your potential.  I have  friend who I think is really smart. She is not book smart, but she is intuitive. She has good sense about her. But for some reason people talk to her as if she is stupid. It drives me nuts. One of the things that makes our friendship special is that I don’t treat her the way others treat her.  She told me, how I listen to her. She said I ask for favors rather than just tell her I need her help. I respect her. I don’t boss her around like others do.

This is what I do as a coach. I don’t look at you the way your friends and family do. At this moment in time, I don’t know you. I have no preconceived ideas about you.  I can see your potential. I can encourage you.

As an empath, I can feel the real you. I can feel the part of you that may be hidden. My college friend did that. She did not know that I did not feel that cologne and perfume were not for me. She gave some to me assuming it was a good gift. And it turns out it was one of the best gifts ever. She saw something in me that I had never seen.

That is what I want to do for you.

I want to either see in you something that you have never seen in you.


I want to say, yes, I see that in you! I see what you see! 

It is a great gift. Please accept it.

Lisa Y. life coach