Lessons from a tortoise

A condensed  true story from a friend:

To Tortle, My Old friend

Some stories end well, some stories don’t. But some stories go on and I hope this one is one of them…

One morning, while at a local pet store in town a man came in with a small tortoise in the palm of his hand and said, “My daughter’s aren’t taking care of this, so please take it.”  I had a tortoise years ago as a child so I would  take care of this one.

I knew already that having a tortoise is more than having a regular pet. Having a tortoise is making a commitment to an animal that doesn’t really care about you the way that we understand caring — They don’t come up to you when you come home after a long day, unless that’s when you feed it. They certainly don’t fetch or play in any fashion. They don’t look for praise from you, they just are. And for some reason, at least to me, that’s downright respectable. To be logical, there’s no blame for being what you are, and all that you are. I suppose Popeye said it best, “I am what I am, and that’s all that I am.”

These animals have such awesome front arms, or in Popeye’s terms, forearms. To feel them is to feel raw power. Tortle dug a home for himself under the truck cab He dug under it, I kid you not, ten feet down at about a 30˚ angle, and made it his home! I had to dig/pull him out one winter a few years ago, after a couple days of cold rain. You see, tortoises are cold-blooded, as in they can’t produce heat like mammals(us, dogs, Chewbacca)can. They can die from that kind of exposure.

That was the catalyst that influenced me to make him a house. I figured that it’s the least I can do as I had made the commitment to be his steward, the caretaker of his well being. In true tortoise fashion, he hated it. He kept trying to get back to the place he made by his own will. Even though it had no heat, no nice flooring, no amenities of a “proper” dwelling. I had to discourage him by putting rocks in the entrance of his old place and had to basically train him to retire to his new housing.

All was fine, until he found a way to escape. You see, tortoises in captivity do three things well: eat — a lot, poop — even more, and inspect every inch of ground you have fenced off to make their escape. He had made some runs before -then the opportunity came that allowed Tortle to walk out the side gate that got left open.

A tortoise, although hard to believe unless you have/had one; has a magical ability to bend space and time. They can be in one area for, what seems like, say, 5 minutes; you look away for 20 seconds or less, and the beast is nowhere to be found. You look and look in the area “you just know” it’s around. It’s got to be, the beast was just right here …but it’s not there! You have to almost let your sense of sight go and use your sense of hearing to find them. Tortoises don’t have a bark or really any vocal cues(unless mating), but they are basically a bull in china shop — they will walk through anything, like a living tank; and you will hear them usually before you see them.

Being that more than an hour had passed before anybody in my family had realized that the gat had been left open, Tortle finally got his wish — to be free. What most of us think in terms of having pets is that they can’t make it out there in the wild. The elements, coyotes, hawks, countless people who love to speed on these streets, can take out most pets — not the tortoise. Sans from being in their own way sometimes, the tortoise can adapt to their surroundings. Remember, they are basically a tank/Winnebago. They can even go for weeks, if not months, without water. They are true survivors and that’s why they can live more than 80 years!

People helped me with a “lost” sign and then I got artsy and made a bunch of signs throughout the neighborhood. After a year had passed, there was one last sign holding on.

I believe that it stayed up, all weathered and worn, because I willed it to be there — it was my hope. After a while though, hope can fade and time has its way of either numbing or soothing the loss. I went to take the last sign down , but it had already been taken down. By who, I don’t know, but as I had mentioned — it was pretty shaggy by now, so I could see somebody putting it out of its misery.

If you’ve read this far, I thank you, dear reader. You now see, what’s lost and found is me. I had to go through all this losing Tortle to find myself. He showed me a lot by being all that he was. He wouldn’t apologize for leaving — it’s who he is, doing what he does — he’s free and I respect that. He did what he did every day to the best of his ability without looking for praise from me or anybody else — I respect that as well.

A few months back, I was driving to a job. As I was just coming up to the curve by I saw an older man walking a tortoise on the sidewalk that looked about as big as Tortle was when I lost him — with Sulcatas, most look alike to the average person, but when you actually have one, you see “tell-tale” marks on their shell(scutes). I wasn’t close enough to see the marks I know Tortle has(marks from rubbing against the cab of the truck when he made his home), but I had a certain feeling.

I was running late to my job, so I chose not to stop. But I thought at that split second, if it was Tortle, he’s doing exactly what I would want him to be doing. When Tortle was around, and I would have some free time, I would walk him on the side of the road sometimes. He seemed to like the freedom of being outside of the fencing, being able to expand his map a little.

If that older man was taking the time to walk that tortoise on the sidewalk, he loves that tortoise. And if that tortoise is, in fact Tortle, then he’s doing just fine.

Peace to you all and thank you for your time.

Lessons for Tortle:  Be all that that you are.  He wouldn’t apologize for leaving — it’s who he is, doing what he does — he’s free and I respect that. He did what he did every day to the best of his ability without looking for praise from me or anybody else — I respect that as well. 

You are what you are and that is all that you are.

I hope you enjoyed that.

Lisa Y. life coach


Lost dreams

You, yes you the one cursing at your life. Discontented? Regimented?

I’ve no doubt you dream about the things you’ll never do. But I wish someone had talked to me like I wanna talk to you.

You can run and run. But in time you run out of places and friendly faces. You ran and ran to be free. You have been to a lot of places, but have you ever been for you?

You, yes you don’t run away. ‘Cause I don’t want you to be alone today.

Won’t you share a part of a weary heart? Have you lived a million lies? Lies to help you to cope? Lies to give you hope?

It seems others are in paradise.  They dine at the captain’s table. They sip champagne on a yacht. They are undressed by the rich and famous.

What is paradise? It is a fantasy we create about people and places as we’d like them to be.  In this day and age it is largely imagined by other people’s Facebook posts or lack of (leaving the bad stuff out). But you know what the truth is? What is paradise?

It is that little baby you’re holding. It is that spouse you fought with this morning. The same person you will make love with tonight. It is that dog that greets you at the door after a long day at work. It is that stranger who smiles just so at lunch. It is that friend who gives you a compliment.

That’s truth. That’s love. That is paradise.

What is the cost of running to be free? Have you become bitter searching for the sweet life? Stop searching for paradise. Be you and you have found it.

If you have a weary heart, you know where to find me.

Lisa Y Life coach





Life Demolition


Do you find you are really confused? Does your life make absolutely no sense to you? Is it all shook up?

Sometimes a life gets very off track. Sometimes some event shakes it up. It could be a surprise death of a loved one. It could be a someone coming into your life. Maybe it is a new pet. Maybe it is loss of a job. When something dramatic happens, it can shake up your life, and it feels broken. 

How do you fix something that is broken? Well, you repair it. You can’t just patch things up. You can’t just use duct tape.


When something needs fixing, sometimes you can just make a few adjustments and it will be fine. Sometimes you  need to take it apart.

When you take it apart, you find out what’s important.


 If your life feels all out of sorts, then maybe it is DEMOLITION TIME! Knock the pieces of your life down! Then, put it back together again. And it is OK if some of the parts don’t go back into your life.

Find out which parts are useful and keep those. The rest are not filling a need anymore. So, toss them.

If there are any empty spaces because you got rid of a few things, then  get replacement parts.


Well, you have to figure out what makes you tick. What is near and dear to your heart? Now, what is contradictory? What is not fitting? What piece(s) just is not right? What is blocking you? What is or is not working for you?

You may not know it, but you really do know the answers. You need to get down to the basics. You need to get down to the building blocks of your life. Sometimes lives get so complicated. Sometimes there is too much going on, and you get confused.

Once you get to the basics, you will know what is important to your life. Then, you can build it up again from the ground up. It is OK to do this. It isn’t going backwards to start again. It is a lot better to start again with a fresh foundation than to try to work around the clutter of the stuff that does not fit anymore and is only getting in the way.


Not the destruction of life,but rather getting rid of the old and broken and replacing with new and whole.


Lisa Y. Life Coach


A homeless man’s question

Why are you being so nice to me? Asked the homeless man.

This is a terrible question.

The story:

 A neighbor has had a homeless man living in his car outside his home. The neighbor has given him a little food and drinks. The man asked him, Why are you being so nice to me?

Now I don’t really know what the answer was to the question. But the homeless man, an unemployed landscape worker, offered to repay my neighbor with working in his yard. When my neighbor returned home, his yard was “spotless”.

So, the “answer” to the homeless man was for my neighbor to post this on the local “nextdoor” network. And a result a handful of people said they could use his services. And one mentioned a local nursery was looking for help.

Why is this a terrible question? Should we really ask why someone is being kind? Because we are all human beings. We should just naturally be kind to one another. Unless of course you are a hideous mass murderer or something.

Being homeless does not make one less human. Most all of us could have this happen to us. You hear the stories all the time. Sometimes things can spiral in a downward direction very quickly.

A helping hand.

This man was not looking for help. He was not lazy. He was not looking for free food. A little kindness went a long way. For a little assistance, he made a yard look beautiful. As for me, I am trying to think of a way to help this man. I can’t make any promises right yet. I have to look into the matter a bit. The idea here is let us at least see what we can do. A small job here can lead to a small job there. Which can lead to a filled calendar of work for a most grateful person.

He will feel better working. And those that provide the work will feel love in their hearts. Both win.

We all need someone sometimes.

I hope you enjoyed this story.

Lisa Y. Life Coach


A cat in a tree


I hope all is well with you.

Community Unity

So last night I was very concerned about a cat in a tree. It was not my cat. I am a member of my “Next Door Neighbor” network. And a lady had finally found her lost cat in her neighbor’s tree. It was reported to be about 25-30 feet up. So this lady reached out to the community.

How can I get my cat out of the tree?

People called around on her behalf. 

The fire department—no. 

The humane society–no. 

A tree service—yes. 

The city—unknown.

I even looked up and found a directory for people who get cats out of trees. Yep! There really is such a thing.

A lady tried to climb the tree but got only half way. She volunteered to have her 7 year old climb up today if necessary.

A man said he could go and rent a condor lift on his way home from work. He asked that someone text him if that would be needed. About 24 minutes later, I sent the text.

It was maybe 30 minutes later and a joyous message was sent. We got him.

My nephew nate engaged in an epic battle with “lil guy” up in the canopy, but was able to hand him down to me.. he got a couple of good swipes in on us both.

Turns out “Lil Guy” is a 28 pound cat. And if you have ever had to deal with an angry and scared cat, you can imagine how nasty that cat just may have been.

And the man, Mike, and his nephew Nate, well, they are heroes in our, those following the drama, book.

Here is the point. We, a bunch of strangers from all around town, came together. We know nothing about one another except that we all cared about Lil Guy. A few of us even offered to chip in to the $400 fee if the tree service guy was called.

We knew nothing about political opinion, religion or any thing else that is used to  divide. We just wanted a cat to get home. We wanted the cat to get water and food, and be in his owner’s lap.

I have said it more than once before. I will say it again. The world is just one community after another. Let us take care of our communities. If we would all come together in community unity, what pleasure there would be.

I know. not everyone will be willing to participate. Some people just want to disrupt life. But let us not have that stop us.

After the cat got out of the tree, everyone was so excited. We cheered! We thanked everyone for their contribution. For, we all played a part. We all helped according to our ability. Everyone felt great. Everyone felt the love of community.

We are a community. We are all connected. We rock!

Wishing you a wonderful day.

Lisa Y. , Life Coach


Help from a friend

I will lend you my ears.

And you can sing me your song.
How do I want you to feel by the end of the day?
Happy because you were not alone.

Do you need a friend to help you get by
Do you need a friend to lift you up
Will you try with help from a friend?

Do you need anybody?
Do you  need somebody to care?
Could it be anybody?
Do you want someone to care?

Do you need a friend to help you get by? 
Do you need a friend to lift you up? 
Will you try with help from a friend?

Do you need anybody?
Do you  need somebody to care?
Could it be anybody?
Do you want someone to care?

Do you need a friend to help you get by?
Will you try with help from a friend?
Do you need a friend to lift you up? 
Do you need a friend to help you get by?
I can be that friend. 

Lisa Y life coach



Life’s Journey

At birth we boarded the train and met our parents,
And we believe they will always travel on our side.
However, at some station
Our parents will step down from the train,
Leaving us on this journey alone.
As time goes by,
Other people will board the train;
And they will be significant
i.e. Our siblings, friends, children,
And even the love of your life.
Many will step down
And leave a permanent vacuum.
Others will go so unnoticed
That we don’t realize
They vacated their seats.
This train ride will be full of joy,
Sorrow, fantasy, expectations,
Hellos, goodbyes, and farewells.
Success consists of having a good relationship
With all passengers
Requiring that we give the best of ourselves.
The mystery to everyone is:
We do not know at which station
We ourselves will step down.
So, we must live in the best way,
Love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are.
It is important to do
This because when the time comes for us to step down
And leave our seat empty
We should leave behind beautiful memories
For those who will continue to travel on the train of life.
I wish you a joyful journey on the train of life.
Reap success and give lots of love.
More importantly, thanks for the journey.
Lastly, I thank you
For being one of the passengers on MY train.
Lisa Y Life coach

Claudia’s Story part 5

Then Pilate leaned forward and I thought, “Now, now he will deliver Jesus.” But the crowd cried suddenly, “He is opposed to Caesar. Who is friend to this man is no friend of Caesar.” Then I saw fear like a substance, and hard and white, slip over his face, the hands, the very robes of Pontius. He looked this way and that, at the guards, the crowd, the priests. Then he said dryly, like a philosopher: “What is truth?” And stayed not for any answer.

At the corridor leading to the Sanhadrin, I fell before Pontius on my knees. “Pontius,” I cried, “This is Jesus, Jesus the very Christ, the Son of God. And Pontius, it is Pilo’s dear Jesus, He who healed our boy. Have no part in His death. I have suffered many things in a dream this night of Him. For thine own, for even the sake of all those judges in this world who will come after thee and judge in Christ’s name without fear, for our child, for me, Claudia, thy wife, Pontius, save Jesus the Christ.”

But Pontius’s sweat was gray upon his face. He could not decide. He said, and staggered, “This is fearful. Now am I in hell. I can not stem this outbreak of the priests, for they are powerful here. Herod has asked me to make an example of the powerful here. Herod has asked me to make an example of this man. If not he will speak ill of me to Caesar. And if this Jesus be truth or not, I can not decide, for I am a philosopher and must argue the matter further. My mind rejects this man who is but a carpenter, and yet” he pushed his hands forward and groaned from his deeps “I feel, I feel…”

And then the guards came forward. They stepped briskly, for they held scourging a fine sport. And a shriek rose everywhere, “Crucify Him!” Then I heard the sound of splitting flesh when I came to the outer prison yard. Even in faint, something of myself saw, very clearly, Jesus, bound to a pillar and standing in a red pool of His own blood. And Pretorius, one of our body guards, whose broken hand Jesus had once healed, now scourged Him the hardest.

And now they put a crown of thorns on His head and pressed it down, and the eyes bulged. And they wrapped Him in an old fine robe of Pontius’s own. And Pontius staggered even in the judgement seat, and said like a dead man: “Why, I find no fault in Him.” And he washed his hands in the silver gilt basin, and sought every which way increasingly to save Jesus. But they would not release Him even for the custom of their Passover, but preferred some robber whose name has left me. And now a runner brought a scroll with the secret seal of Herod saying, :Have done quickly with all prisoners this night, for tomorrow I set early for Rome and would speak well of thee to Caesar. Do thou set out early with me for a bit of the way, for I have found a new little brook and many fine trout.”

And Pontius and Herod had made themselves into friends that day, one to further the other with Caesar.

And when Pontius said to the the mob which shrieked, “What shall I do with this man?” they shouted as one, “Crucify Him as you are Caesar’s friend, crucify Him!” He delivered Jesus unto them.

And before Pontius went afishing with Herod he wrote this title for the cross, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”

Thou,O Fulvia, who art a Christian, need not be told of what followed. Thou knowest how Jesus Himself dragged His cross to the Hill of Death, and at the last of His agony died upon it, and that Mary, His mother, stood with Him to the end, and so looked upon her son, who had healed my son, and was condemned by mine own husband unto death.

In the fever and long delirium that seized upon Pontius we lived terribly through many events. For, at the death of our Jesus, the earth trembled and darkness fell upon us, and many, even our centurion, said, “This was in truth the Son of God.”

And many more believed on Him when He rolled the stone away from His own sepulcher and walked among His people in company with His disciples, who now themselves, did heal and teach His words.

But now, tho my soul was on its knees before Him in supplication for Pontius, Pontius could not believe, but he studied increasingly, and was wretched to look upon. Such calamity fell upon him, and my heart ached for this man, my husband. Blow on blow fell upon Pontius, even as once the scourge of Christ.

When Pilo returned and heard his father had condemned Jesus to death, he fell and was dead. Nor did I wish him to live, for never could my child have forgiven his father, for he loved Jesus dearly.

Then Herod, for whose fear Pontius had delivered Jesus, spoke against Pontius privately to Caesar and had his own cousin appointed at Jerusalem. And Pilate was judged and sentenced by the Senate at Rome unjustly, for there were false witnesses, and suffered greatly in this, for until he falsely judged the Christ, he had been very upright. With his honor, he lost friends. His lands at Rome were taken, and he had no penny, but must walk like a slave. His library was scattered.

Gnawed with his remorse, Pilate sees in me the witness to his crime, and everywhere we feel the eyes of the Christians burning into us, as did those eyes of Christ. At their meetings they tell the life of Jesus and have a sentence which forever sentences Pontius. “He suffered under Pontius Pilate.”

And Pontius is a scholar and knows that words live forever. So his own learning too betrayed him. Now we are driven to this mountain crag in Gallia, whence Euphonius will bring you this scroll.

Pontius has become old and ill and very weak, so he is at last a child. In his weakness is my hope. O Fulvia, if only now, when every moment presses to his last, if now the learned mind would forget itself the love of Christ and with the pitiful heart be healed as once was healed my Pilo. If he now, my husband, who condemned Jesus for fear of others to death, could without fear go to his own judgement by the Son of God.

Ye who pray, pray now for Pontius.

Lisa Y life coach



Alone for Easter?


I hope all is well.

So, this is a big Christian weekend. It is one of those weekends people do not want to be alone.

If you will be alone for Easter and if you want company, I will be available.

Just contact me:


(It’s free!)

Lisa Y. Life coach

Claudia’s Story part 4

But I could not sleep that night for the calling of Jesus’s face. When the last bugle of the temple sounded I was like one who dreams awake. And this is the dream I dreamed:

I saw a great hillside, and it was crowded with all the children Jesus had healed. Pilo and Smedia were there and many, many others. And beside them were their fathers and mothers and all of every kind and  degree who were joined into a great kindred by the love of Jesus. And there were those also who had been healed in the heart and mind as well as body, and more who had needed no healing, but only the right to love life itself.

And none were idle, but all worked with the hands or the mind, and both the hands and faces sang and shone. And all were refreshed in their work, for each had found the outlet of his peculiar genius. So this was a new race. And young and old, this one thing lay upon their faces, for in the love of Jesus all were as children and without fear or greed, but greatly glorified, so their unfolding of themselves was like a canticle of uneasing beauty.

And apart, wrapped in a swollen cloud, drifted without aim many others. These were not as children but very aged, with a toil which brought them always to work in  circle back to themselves. And they cursed this and that and pursed lust and power and cried in agony of fear, so their cries were horrible, and their sufferings very great.

And Pontius, the philosopher, was among them. And his arms were worn away from entreating Pilo from afar off to turn to him. And so Pontius cried out to me. And in my sweat of pity, for Pontius was a just man and very learned, I woke. I ran to his bedchamber, crying, “Pontius, Pontius, believe. Cease thy philosophies; believe as a little child on Jesus.” But my maids laughed at me to scorn for my night cry and said: “The Governor is in the judgement seat. There is someone there.”

And now a murmur swelled loudly from the city, with sudden yells. My heart throbbed as tho it would burst from me. I heard the tread of many feet other than the iron shod soldiers upon the marble court below leading to Pretorium.

I flew to Pontius. He was seated in the tribunal. I drew aside the purple curtain. I saw, O Fulvia, I saw Jesus, Pilo’s Jesus. His hands were tied. The cords cut into His bones, and His face was streaming blood. But in all the agony of his body, which was very beaten about, His eyes were full of love. So He looked gently upon Pontius, who was frenzied with doubt now.

The crowd pressed Jesus uncomonly, the soldiers, and Scribes, and Pharisees, the drunken, the lowest of the night rabble. Nor did I see any friend near Jesus. They had brought Him from the priests in the garden, and kicking, striking Him, had maimed each other as Himself.And He healed many. The very demons peered out of their terrible faces. And Pilate was unable to decide His sentence, for he was afraid for his ambition. Now he would ask questions of them, and now of Jesus. And Pontius was white with fear.

I heard him say again, “What is it you ask of me to do to this just man? What evil has he done?” And then he swayed a little and said, “Has He not healed some of you?” Nor then would he look at the eyes of Jesus.

Their high priest, Caiaphas, made answer, “We ask the death of this man for He would make Himself king here instead of Caesar.”

Pontius like one who would increase time, asked directly of Jesus, “Art thou the King of the Jews?” And Jesus looked into Pontius deep as to open into his subtleties. O Fulvia, that look of the blood stained Christ! He asked not for help from Pontius even at this hour when he had no friend, but rather sought to find the healing way to His own judge.

He said, “Dost thou ask this of thine own self, or dost another speak for thee?” And Pontius, turned in agony for he could not decide, and the roar of the crowd was great.

Then Jesus said to Pontius, as if alone in all the shrieking madness, “My kingdom is not of this world. My kingdom is the truth that lives within you as within all born into this world. To reveal thyself in truth am I come.”

The next and final post is on 4/16/17

Lisa Y Life Coach
